These Assertive Behavior And Communication multiple-choice questions and their answers will help you strengthen your grip on the subject of Assertive Behavior And Communication. You can prepare for an upcoming exam or job interview with these 20 Assertive Behavior And Communication MCQs.
So scroll down and start answering.
A. Rephrasing
B. 7%
C. Passive Aggressive Communication
D. 55%
A. Active Listening
B. Reflective
C. Shifting from content to process
D. Focus on solutions
A. Sarcasm
B. 7%
C. 1 in 7
D. What do you want?
A. Message - E.g. Remember the keys - not don't forget the keys
B. Aggressive Communication
C. Rephrasing
D. Assertive
A. Passive Communication
B. 1 in 7
C. Delaying assertively
D. The problem. Focus on the solution
A. Delaying assertively
B. The problem. Focus on the solution
C. Defusing
D. Shifting from content to process
A. Inquiring assertively
B. Passive
C. Defusing
D. Agreeing assertively
A. Clouding/fogging
B. Own statements
C. Quit telling and start asking!
D. Passive Communication
A. Inquiring assertively
B. Agreeing assertively
C. 55%
D. Learned skill
A. The problem. Focus on the solution
B. 55%
C. Defusing
D. Assertive
A. Reflective
B. Passive Communication
C. What do you want?
D. Clouding/fogging
A. The problem. Focus on the solution
B. Message - E.g. Remember the keys - not don't forget the keys
C. Responding as a broken record
D. Agreeing assertively
A. 1 in 7
B. Clouding/fogging
C. Delaying assertively
D. Positive
A. Passive Aggressive Communication
B. Rephrasing
C. 7%
D. Own statements
A. Passive Aggressive Communication
B. Assertive
C. Positive
D. Shifting from content to process
A. Active Listening
B. Defusing
C. Assertive
D. 1 in 7
A. Defusing
B. Reflective
C. Quit telling and start asking!
D. Agreeing assertively
A. Responding as a broken record
B. Shifting from content to process
C. Rephrasing
D. What do you want?
A. Assertive
B. Sarcasm
C. Quit telling and start asking!
D. The problem. Focus on the solution
A. Clouding/fogging
B. What do you want?
C. Shifting from content to process
D. 7%
A. Focus on solutions
B. Passive Communication
C. Passive Aggressive Communication
D. Inquiring assertively
A. The problem. Focus on the solution
B. Quit telling and start asking!
C. Inquiring assertively
D. Focus on solutions
A. Positive
B. Passive
C. 38%
D. Delaying assertively
A. Responding as a broken record
B. Assertive
C. Basic Human rights
D. Passive Aggressive Communication
A. Shifting from content to process
B. The problem. Focus on the solution
C. Passive Aggressive Communication
D. Clouding/fogging
A. Aggressive Communication
B. Passive Communication
C. Delaying assertively
D. Shifting from content to process
A. Learned skill
B. The problem. Focus on the solution
C. Passive
D. Responding as a broken record