Our experts have gathered these GIAC MCQs through research, and we hope that you will be able to see how much knowledge base you have for the subject of GIAC by answering these 30 multiple-choice questions.
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A. When implementing protocols - what stack should be used?
B. The four types of events reported by IDS
C. Honeyd
D. Port scan
A. What categories do vulnerabilities fall into?
B. IDS signature analysis work
C. What ways should the crypto key be protected?
D. What range is a class A network?
A. What ways should the crypto key be protected?
B. Router
C. Worms
D. Rootkit
A. Social engineering
B. Wardriving
C. What's a VLAN
D. Brute force
A. When talking about protocols and referencing layers - what stack is used
B. Parasitic malware
C. Some reasons to use TCP over UDP
D. A blind FTP
A. Some external threat concerns
B. Some network design objectives
C. Ack Piggybacking
D. The session layer
A. Hubs
B. Shallow packet inspection
C. Some NIDS topology limitations
D. Browsing attack
A. Some firewall challenges
B. HIDS monitor
C. Race conditions
D. The TCP/IP model
A. The protected enclave to defense in depth
B. ATM work
C. The CIA triad
D. The threat vector analysis in defense in depth
A. Best way to protect wireless networks
B. IDS data normalization
C. The OSI model
A. Types of ATM virtual circuits
B. A netcat listener
C. 3-way handshake
D. Nmap
A. Some reasons to use UDP over TCP
B. The data link layer
C. Hubs
D. ATM work
A. When setting up a virtual circuit
B. Worms
C. Some common TCP ports
A. Overview of TCP
B. A network protocol
D. Group
A. Overview of TCP
B. Plaintext
C. Some network design objectives
D. The protected enclave to defense in depth
A. Ack Piggybacking
B. Risk
C. Anomaly analysis work
D. Types of ATM virtual circuits
B. Rootkit
C. What range is a class B network?
A. Parasitic malware
B. Remote maintenance
C. The Information Centric defense in depth
D. 3-way handshake
A. Stateful firewall
B. Bridge
C. Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
D. Datagram length of a UDP packet
A. Parasitic malware
B. SQL Slammer Worm
C. Router
A. A netcat listener
B. The conficker worm
C. File Integrity checking work
A. Total cell size for asynchronous transfer mode (ATM)
B. The Uniform Protection to defense in depth
C. Integrity of Data
D. Brute force
A. Address resolution protocol
B. Nmap scanning techniques
D. Some reasons to use TCP over UDP
A. Buffer overflow
B. The network layer
C. The transport layer
D. Some common TCP ports
A. COM/Script program infector
B. The five threat vectors
C. What range is a class A network?
D. The application layer
A. Hubs
B. Some NIDS topology limitations
C. HIDS monitor
A. Stateful firewall
B. NIDS challenges
C. Some Pen Test techniques
D. What range is a class C network?
A. Types of ATM virtual circuits
B. Some common UDP ports
C. When implementing protocols - what stack should be used?
D. Trojan horse
A. Some disadvantages of honeypots
B. Buffer overflow
C. The three goals of security
D. Overview of TCP
A. Some reasons to use TCP over UDP
B. The protected enclave to defense in depth
C. Some common TCP ports
D. The physical layer stack