Try to answer these 50 Globalization MCQs and check your understanding of the Globalization subject.
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A. How far globalization has reached
B. How to stop globalization
C. How to encourage globalization
D. When globalization began
A. True
B. False
A. 35
B. 55
C. 75
D. 95
A. Socioeconomic theory
B. Inequality theory
C. Relative deprivation theory
D. Dependency theory
A. How to bring traditional societies more fully into the global marketplace.
B. How to empower indigenous women in the workplace.
C. How to encourage the adoption of modern worldviews among traditional peoples.
D. How best to fit traditional patterns in which the modern, industrial world.
A. Competition; cooperation
B. Tradition; rationality
C. Science; religion
D. Affluence; greed
A. Study the impacts of soil quality on food production
B. Study the impact of globalization on people in the local context
C. Exclusively study the impact of globalization on the poorest people in the world
D. Study the development of global infrastructure
A. To encourage online shopping and high mass consumerism
B. To make it easier for college students to correspond with their professors
C. To make it easier for scientists and engineers to communicate research findings
D. To secure instantaneous financial transactions
A. Average level of formal education in society
B. Gross domestic product
C. Fertility rate
D. Mode of production
A. Culture-change stage
B. Takeoff stage
C. Self-sustained growth stage
D. High economic growth stage
A. Eugenics
B. The caste system
C. Apartheid
D. Separate but equal
A. Germany and Poland
B. England and France
C. Spain and France
D. Italy and Switzerland
A. Spin their own cloth
B. Can their own fish
C. Raise their own pigs
D. Slaughter their own cows
A. Economic
B. Physical
C. Linguistic
D. Religious
A. Silver
B. Diamonds
C. Corn
D. Slaves
A. Structural functionalism
B. Marxism
C. Evolutionism
D. Historical particularism
A. Globalization has strengthened traditional social institutions such as jajmani.
B. Globalization has contributed to the collapse of traditional social institutions such as jajmani.
C. Traditional social institutions such as jajmani have expanded to incorporate many non-kin in the era of globalization.
D. Traditional social institutions such as the jajmani system have spread around the world because of globalization.
A. Warfare and the slave trade
B. Widespread famine and malaria
C. The adoption of contraception
D. The rise of industrialization
A. Diplomacy and peaceful negotiation
B. Bartering with the native population for control of the land
C. Fomenting revolt among native groups subjugated by the Aztecs
D. Rapid settlement of Mexico by Spanish families
A. By destroying the infrastructure
B. By prohibiting participation in the global market
C. By encouraging the development of export-oriented economy
D. By developing systems of domestic production and consumption
A. Central Countries
B. Core Countries
C. Principal Countries
D. None of these
A. Second
B. Third
C. Both
D. None
A. Culture
B. Language
C. Ancestors
D. Both a and b
A. Modern
B. Traditional
C. A mix of both
D. None
A. Ethnocide
B. Genocide
C. Geronticide
D. Both a and b
A. Socioeconomic
B. Political
C. Cultural
D. All of these
A. Globalization
B. Glocalization
C. Imperialism
D. Both a and b
A. Political
B. Economic
C. Social
D. Both a and b
A. Capitalist
B. Nongovernmental
C. Market-based
D. All of these
A. Marginal Countries
B. Peripheral Countries
C. Boundary Countries
D. None of these
A. 1st World
B. 2nd World
C. 3rd World
D. Both a and b
A. Peripheral Countries
B. Semi Peripheral Countries
C. Both
D. None
A. Premodern
B. Non Industrialized
C. Partially Industrialized
D. Both a and b
A. True
B. False
A. Political
B. Legal
C. Social
D. All of these
A. Language
B. Culture
C. Ethnic identity
D. All of these
A. American
B. British
C. African
D. Indian
A. True
B. False
A. Fictive Kinship Ties
B. Affinal Kinship Ties
C. Secondary Kinship Ties
D. Both a and b
A. Tribe
B. Clan
C. Clanlike
D. Caste
A. Caste
B. Tribe
C. Lineage
D. Clan
A. Caste
B. Clanlike
C. Clan
D. Tribe
A. Cultural
B. Social
C. Political
D. All of these
A. True
B. False
A. Informal contracts between people of unequal status
B. Formal contracts between people of unequal status
C. Informal contracts between people of equal status
D. Formal contracts between people of equal status
A. Sudden
B. Dramatic
C. Fundamental
D. All of these
A. True
B. False
A. Landless laborers and pastoralists
B. Ambivalent and contradictory
C. A regionally different world
D. Millennium Development Goals
A. Creating a statelessness
B. Creating a wholly owned subsidiary
C. Developing foreign manufacturing base through joint venture
D. Domestication
E. Exporting
A. 2,000
B. 82,000
C. 86,000
D. 22,000
A. Flattened
B. Walking business
C. Payless Shoes
D. Human resources
A. Mullah Omar
B. Pakistan
C. Sudan's
D. Maoist