Welcome to the MCQs section for Characteristics and Laws Impacting Special Education on MCQss.com. Here, you will find a collection of interactive MCQs that will help you enhance your knowledge and assess your understanding of the characteristics of different disabilities and the laws that impact special education.
Understanding the characteristics of various disabilities is essential for providing effective support and accommodations to students in special education. This section covers a wide range of disabilities, including learning disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, intellectual disabilities, and emotional/behavioral disorders.
By using these MCQs, you can assess your knowledge, identify areas for further study, and prepare for exams, interviews, or professional development opportunities in the field of special education. The interactive format allows you to receive immediate feedback on your answers, helping you track your progress and reinforce your understanding.
A. High-incidence
B. Low incidence
C. Both of these
D. None of the above
A. Attention
B. Concentration
C. Focus
D. Consciousness
A. True
B. False
A. Attribution
B. Contribution
C. Citation
D. Allocation
A. Autism
C. Down syndrome
D. Speech delay
A. Grouping
B. Clustering
C. Foraging
D. Order
A. Cognition
B. Recognition
C. Intelligence
D. Perception
A. Concepts
B. Ideas
C. Principles
D. Facts
A. Continuum
B. Spectrum
C. Dichotomy
D. Binary
A. True
B. False
A. Instructional
B. Directional
C. Independent
D. Transformal
C. Autistic
D. Down syndrome
A. Curriculum
B. Syllabus
C. Course
D. Pedagogy
A. Data-based
B. Data driven
C. Evidence based
D. Model based
A. November 1975
B. December 1975
C. November 1974
D. December 1974
A. True
B. False
A. Educational
B. Social
C. Informative
D. Instructional
A. Emotional disturbance
B. Social maladjustment
C. Autism
D. Conduct disorder
A. English learner
B. Multilingual learner
C. Native english
D. Standard english learner
A. Ethnicity
B. Race
C. Caste
D. Nationality
A. Every Student Succeeds Act
B. No child left behind
C. English language learners
D. Chronic absenteeism
A. Extrinsic
B. Intrinsic
C. Both of them
D. None of the above
A. Free and appropriate public education (FAPE)
B. Every Student Succeeds Act
C. Chronic absenteeism
D. Federalism
A. High-functioning autism
C. Asperger’s
D. Ocd
A. 100000
B. 200000
C. 300000
D. 10000
A. IEP process
B. 504 plan
A. IEP team
B. 504 plan
A. Inclusion
B. Diversity
C. Mainstream
D. Equity
A. Individualized Education Program (IEP)
B. Individualized Learning Program (IEP)
C. Both of these
D. None of these
A. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
B. Individualized Education Program (IEP)
C. Individualized Learning Program (IEP)
D. None of these
A. Intellectual disabilities (ID)
B. Learning disabilities
C. Developmental disabilities
A. Intrinsic
B. Extrinsic
C. None of above
D. Both of these
A. True
B. False
A. Least restrictive environment (LRE)
B. Inclusion
C. Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)
D. Non-public school
A. Local Education Agency
B. Least restrictive environment
D. Inclusion
A. Memory
B. Storage
C. History
D. Emotions
A. Motivation
B. Inspiration
C. Discipline
D. Determination
A. Special education
B. Inclusive education
C. General education
D. Traditional education
A. No Child Left Behind Act
B. The Every Student Succeeds Act
C. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
D. None of them
A. Unbiased
B. Biased
C. Consistent
D. Impartial
A. Unbiased
B. Biased
C. Consistent
D. Impartial
A. Other Health Impaired
B. Specific learning
C. Functional Behavioral Assessment
D. Behavior Intervention Plan
A. Person-first language
B. Autism
C. Identity first
D. None of above
A. True
B. False
A. Procedural due process
B. Substantive due process
C. Exclusionary rule
D. Constitution
A. Related services
B. Supplementary aids and services
C. Specially designed instruction
D. None of above
A. Seriously emotionally disturbed
B. Socially maladjustment
C. Emotional disturbance
D. Emotional impairment
A. Socioeconomic status
B. Social class
C. Economic status
D. Income
A. Special education
B. Inclusive education
C. 504
D. Special needs
A. Universal Design
B. Inclusive design
D. Human centred technology
A. Zero reject
B. Inclusive design
D. Human centred technology
A. The emphasis should be placed on the person as an individual and not the disability
B. The laws have changed and the last reauthorization of IDEA mandated it
C. It is merely political correctness with no philosophical basis
D. Sam Kirk suggested it after the passage of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
A. Has not been reauthorized because the states are now completely in charge
B. Also provides definitions for all disabilities covered under the law
C. Mandates that no students can be identified as developmentally delayed
D. Mandates that a cross-categorical approach be followed for teacher preparation programs
A. Cannot receive special education services without being diagnosed with a specific disability
B. Can only receive services under Section 504
C. Can only be classified as having a specific learning disability
D. Can be classified as being developmentally delayed
A. Learning disabilities, emotional/behavioral disabilities, ADHD, intellectual disabilities, other health impairment
B. Emotional/behavioral disabilities, high-functioning autism, sensory impairment, learning disabilities, other health impairment
C. Learning disabilities, emotional/behavioral disorder, mild to moderate intellectual disabilities, ADHD, and high-functioning autism
D. Intellectual disabilities, learning disabilities, emotional/behavioral disabilities, other health impairment, ADHD
A. Blindness
B. Hard of hearing
C. Orthopedic impairment
D. Learning disabilities
A. True
B. False
A. True
B. False
A. True
B. False
A. True
B. False
A. No, because she wasn’t invited last year
B. Yes, she must be invited
C. No, because she lacks self-advocacy skills
D. Yes, if her parents complain
A. True
B. False
A. True
B. False