The following Hardware & Networking MCQs have been compiled by our experts through research, in order to test your knowledge of the subject of Hardware & Networking. We encourage you to answer these 30 multiple-choice questions to assess your proficiency.
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A. A combination of computer hardware
B. A program which translates from one high-level language to another
C. A program which translates from one high-level to a machine level
D. None of these
A. Plot complicated graphs
B. Solve equations
C. Translate one language into another
D. Author webpages
What is the difference between fat32,ntfs?
Fat32- It supports limited capacity of partition.
NTFS- It supports large capacity of partition. it has security, compression, disk quota.
Fat32-Having Less Security
NTFS- It supports large capacity of partition. it has encryption,compression and security
Fat32- File Allocation Table- It supports limited capacity of partition. Having Low Security and Encryption
NTFS- New Technology File System- It supports large capacity of partition. it has security, compression, disk quota.
A & B
A. Set of wires
B. Set of circuits
C. Large number of cells
D. All of these
A. By changing the jumper setting in the motherboard
B. By formatting the system
C. By removing Bios Battery
D. BY formatting only OS
A. Laser Printer
B. Link Port
C. Line Printer
D. Line Port
A. Hyper text mark lan
B. Hyper text markup language
C. Hyper tile markup language
D. High text markup language
A. Uno server
B. Dedicated server
C. Committed server
D. Service server
A. High-level Data Link Control
B. High-level Data Language Control
C. Hardware Data link control
D. None of the above
A. 10 Mb
B. 150 Mb
C. 650 Mb
D. 1.4 Mb
A. Compact Disk Read Only Memory
B. Compact Disk Run Only Memory
C. Closed Disk Read Only Memory
D. Closed Disk Run Only Memory
A. Internet Service Provider
B. Internet Security Protocol
C. Integrated Service Provider
D. Integrated Security Provider
A. Svrhelp.exe
B. Helpsvc.exe
C. Inisvc.exe
D. None of the choices
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
A. Mail Client
B. FTP Client
C. Messenger
D. Browser
A. 2
B. 4
C. 8
D. 16
A. International Standard Organization
B. International Student Organization
C. Integrated Services Organization
D. None
A. This battery is used to change date/Time of system
B. This battery is used to change BIOS Configuration
C. A&B
D. None of these
A. Minicomputer
B. Server
C. Client
D. Main Frame
A. Network Interface Card
B. Network Internal Card
C. Network Internet Client
D. Network Input Card
A. Internet Protocol
B. Internal power
C. Intranet protocol
D. Internal protocol
A. Random Access Memory (RAM)
B. Read Only Memory (ROM)
C. Programmeable Read Only Memory
D. Read Only Memory Programmeable RAM
A. 123
B. 111
C. 101
D. 134
A. Serial Printer Object Oriented Language
B. Simultaneous Peripheral Output On-Line
C. System Protocol Optimization OutLiner
D. Single Program Operating system Operation Link
A. Unplugged Power Supply
B. Uninterruptible Power Supply
C. Unplugged Program Supply
D. Uninterruptible Plug Supply
A. Maximum of 4 logical drives
B. Maximum of 8 logical drives
C. Maximum of 16 logical drives
D. Maximum of 24 logical drives
A. ^,*,<
B. @,!,É
C. É,¢,$
D. *,$,?
A. World Wide Web
B. World Wide Wares
C. World Wide War
D. World Wide Wait
A. One Million
B. Ten Thousand
C. One Hundred
D. One Thousand
A. It enables users to modify a program's source code.
B. You can get best-of-breed security/disaster preparedness.
C. Delivery of highly dynamic, constantly changing content
D. Little visibility into true security and disaster preparedness