Our experts have gathered these MCTS: Configuring Windows Firewall And Network Access Protection MCQs through research, and we hope that you will be able to see how much knowledge base you have for the subject of MCTS: Configuring Windows Firewall And Network Access Protection by answering these 30 multiple-choice questions.
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B. Network Policy And Access Services
C. An access control list (ACL) - A virtual local area network (VLAN)
D. Statement of Health Response (SoHR)
A. Request Policy
B. Requirement policies
C. Blocked by default
D. Connection request policy - System health validators - Remediation server group - Health policy - Network policy
A. Noncompliant - compliant
B. Group Policy
D. Logging
A. User Interface Settings
B. System health validators
C. Win 7 - Win Vista - and Win XP SP3
D. GPO settings in the Computer ConfigurationPoliciesWindows SettingsSecurity SettingsNetwork Access ProtectionNAP Client Configuration
A. Communicate only with other
B. RD Gateway
C. System Health Agents (SHAs) - System Health Validators (SHVs)
A. Scope
B. Connection request policy - System health validators - Remediation server group - Health policy - Network policy
D. Logging
A. Connection request policy
B. System health validators
C. Logging
D. Network Policy And Access Services
A. Noncompliant - compliant
B. Network Access Protection (NAP)
C. Win 7 - Win Vista - and Win XP SP3
D. Enforcement Clients - User Interface Settings - Health Registration Settings
A. Trusted Server Group
B. DHCP servers
C. Health policy server
D. Remediation
B. Testing - Monitoring - Limited access
C. 802.1X access points
D. Request Policy
A. RD Gateway
B. IPsec connection security - DHCP - and VPN enforcement do not require support from your network infrastructure.
C. System health validators
D. Compliant - noncompliant - and unauthenticated
B. 2008 (or Windows Server 2008 R2)
C. A certification authority - A web application
D. System Health Validators (SHVs)
A. Network access
B. GPO settings in the Computer ConfigurationPoliciesWindows SettingsSecurity SettingsNetwork Access ProtectionNAP Client Configuration
C. Connection request policy - System health validators - Remediation server group - Health policy - Network policy
D. System Health Agents (SHAs)
A. Per-IP address or a per-TCP/UDP port number
B. Communicate only with other
C. Remediation
D. Network access
A. DHCP servers
B. Compliant - noncompliant
C. Requirement policies
D. Worms
A. DHCP servers
B. Connection request policy
C. Noncompliant - compliant
D. Windows Firewall With Advanced Security
A. A certification authority - A web application
B. Request Policy
C. Meets health requirements
D. Network policy
A. Compliant client computers
B. 802.1X access points
C. Network Policy And Access Services
D. VPN servers
A. Monitoring-only
B. Enforcement Clients
C. Testing - Monitoring - Limited access
D. System Health Agents (SHAs)
A. Remediation
B. Network Access Protection (NAP)
C. System Health Agents (SHAs) - System Health Validators (SHVs)
D. Compliant - noncompliant - and unauthenticated
A. System health validators
B. Communicate only with other
C. 802.1X - VPN - or DHCP
D. System Health Agents (SHAs) - System Health Validators (SHVs)
A. Blocked by default
B. An access control list (ACL) - A virtual local area network (VLAN)
C. RD Gateway
D. Drops
A. Do not filter
B. Win XP SP3 - Win Vista - Win 7 - Win Server 2008 - and Win Server 2008 R2.
C. Statement of Health Response (SoHR)
D. Compliant - noncompliant
A. Compliant client computers
B. User Interface Settings
C. Remediation
D. Requirement policies
A. Blocked by default
B. Manually - domain controller
C. RD Gateway
D. 2008 (or Windows Server 2008 R2)
A. GPO settings in the Computer ConfigurationPoliciesWindows SettingsSecurity SettingsNetwork Access ProtectionNAP Client Configuration
B. Win XP SP3 - Win Vista - Win 7 - Win Server 2008 - and Win Server 2008 R2.
C. 802.1X access points
D. Network Policy And Access Services
A. GPO settings in the Computer ConfigurationPoliciesWindows SettingsSecurity SettingsNetwork Access ProtectionNAP Client Configuration
B. Requirement policies
C. User Interface Settings
D. Blocks any inbound traffic that hasn't been specifically allowed
A. Remediation server group
B. RD Gateway
C. Communicate only with other
D. User Interface Settings
A. Connection request policy - System health validators - Remediation server group - Health policy - Network policy
B. Netsh nap client show state
C. Firewalls
D. Remediation server group
A. Network Policy And Access Services
B. Noncompliant - compliant
C. Win XP SP3 - Win Vista - Win 7 - Win Server 2008 - and Win Server 2008 R2.
D. Firewalls