The following Android Programming MCQs have been compiled by our experts through research, in order to test your knowledge of the subject of Android Programming. We encourage you to answer these multiple-choice questions to assess your proficiency.
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A. ListPreference
B. MultiSelectListPreference
C. None of these
D. Both of these
A. Broadcast receiver
B. Content-provider
C. Activity
D. Service
A. onBegin()
B. onResume()
C. onInit()
D. onCreate()
E. onStart()
A. Erlang
B. VMLite
C. Dalvik
A. Galaxy
B. Nexus
C. Optimus
D. Desire
E. Xperia
A. declare the level of user permissions required.
B. declare the minimum API level required
C. all of these
A. Mach Kernel
C. NT Kernel
D. Linux Kernel
A. myApp.xml file.
B. AndroidManifest.xml file.
C. AndroidManifest.pkg file.
A. Density-independent pixels
B. Pixels
A. Eclair
B. Gingerbread
C. All of these
D. Froyo
A. textLabel.setText("Your Text");
B. textLabel = "Your Text";
C. textLabel.text = "Your Text";
D. textLabel.text("Your Text");
A. .jar
B. .apk
C. .java
D. .xml
A. No
B. Yes
A. all of these
B. services
C. activities
D. none of these
A. False
B. True
A. OnTapListener
B. OnTouchListener
C. OnClickDetecter
D. OnClickListener
A. Label
B. TextBox
C. EditText
D. TextView
A. Anyone and everyone
B. Registered Android Market developers
C. Only Google employees
D. Only device manufacturers and their employees
A. Android Studio
B. IntelliJ IDEA
C. Netbeans
D. Eclipse ADT
A. android.content.Resources
B. android.content.SharedPreferences
C. android.content.Cookies
A. contains all the information needed to install the application on an Android device.
B. then has to be formatted for installation through the Android installer.
C. contains information needed by the Universal Mobile Installer to create the install package for Android devices.
A. onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) on Activity A
B. onResultedActivity(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) on Activity B onResultedActivity(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) on Activity A none of the above
A. None of these
C. x86
D. ARM architecture
A. true
B. false
A. <uses-feature android:name="" />
B. <uses-feature="" />
C. <uses-feature name="camera" />
A. onStart(), onResume, onCreate()
B. onCreate(), onRestart(), onResume()
C. onCreate(), onResume(), onStart()
D. onCreate(), onStart(), onResume()
E. onStart(), onCreate(), onResume()
A. drawable
B. raw
C. anim
D. animation
E. values
A. Both of these
B. Override the onConfigurationChanged event
C. Request changes via the android:configChanges="orientation" attribute for activities in your manifest file
A. False
B. True
A. all of these
B. <WebView android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
C. <WebView android:scrollbars="none" />
D. <WebView android:layout_width="wrap_content" />
A. Yes
B. No
A. android.permission.INTERNET
B. android.permission.NETWORK
D. The network features do not require a permission
A. Working Thread
B. Main Thread
C. UI thread
A. Stars
B. RatingWidget
C. RatingBar
D. Rating
A. Frame Layout
B. Absolute Layout
C. Table Layout
D. Relative Layout
A. within a shared system wide instance of the Dalvik Virtual Machine.
B. with its own instance of the Dalvik Virtual Machine.
C. with its own instance of the Java Virtual Machine.
A. The Activity called finish().
B. The Activity is paused or stopped and it's resources were needed by the operating system.
C. All of these reasons.
D. The Activity that launched this Activity called finishActivity()
A. Holo
B. Classic
C. Flat Design
D. Material Design
A. True
B. False
A. ProgressBar
B. ViewGroup
C. Neither of these
D. Both of these
A. Android InterProcess Definition Language
B. Android Interface Definition Language
C. Android InterProcess Dynamic Language
D. Android Interface Dynamic Language
A. Hugo Barra
B. Sandar Pichai
C. Sergey Brin
D. Andy Rubin
E. Larry Page
A. RelativeLayout
B. AbsoluteLayout
C. LinearLayout
D. ListViewLayout
A. Bundle args = getExtras().getActivity();
B. Bundle args = new Bundle(getActivity().getIntent().getExtras());
C. Bundle args = getActivity().getIntent().getExtras();
D. Bundle args = getIntent().getActivity.getExtras();
E. Bundle args = getActivity().getExtras().getIntent();
A. In code: mTextViem.setTypeface(Typeface myfont);
B. In styles xml: <item name="android:typeface|>"myfont"</item>
C. In layout xml: android:typeface="myfont"
A. SimpleAdapter
B. CursorAdapter
C. ArrayAdapter
D. HeaderViewListAdapter
A. True
B. False
A. intent objects
B. content Provider system
C. application lifecyle methods
A. Hardware malfunction
B. Activity Manager contains too much
C. Virus on the server
D. Network Latency