These Django multiple-choice questions and their answers will help you strengthen your grip on the subject of Django. You can prepare for an upcoming exam or job interview with these Django MCQs.
So scroll down and start answering.
A. --start
B. startserver --dev
C. run
D. runserver
E. --run
A. A collection of configuration files and individual apps that form a web site.
B. A fork of the official Django repo.
C. A web site that uses the Django framework.
D. A specific piece of functionality that can be used in multiple Django apps.
A. render_to_html
B. response_render
C. render
D. render_to_response
A. (r'^pattern/$', YourView.as_view()),
B. (r'^pattern/$', YourView()),
C. (r'^pattern/$', YourView),
D. (r'^pattern/$', YourView.init()),
A. A good Django app is a fully functioning website that has 100% test coverage.
B. A good Django app provides a small, specific piece of functionality that can be used in any number of Django projects.
C. A good Django app is highly customized and cannot be used in multiple projects.
A. To sync the database schema
B. To configure settings for an app
C. To set the date and time on the server
D. To configure settings for the Django project
A. Python
B. Ruby
D. Javascript
E. Java
A. This file contains site deployment data such as server names and ports.
B. It contains a site map of Django-approved URLs.
C. You run this file when you get obscure 404 Not Found errors in your server logs.
D. It contains URL matching patterns and their corresponding view methods.
E. This file provides an up to date list of how-to URLs for learning Django more easily.
A. --dev
B. --run 8080
C. runserver
D. run
E. runserver
A. In, add the app to the PROJECT_APPS variable.
B. In, add the new app to the INSTALLED_APPS variable.
C. Run the ` validate` command, and then start a new shell.
D. No additional action is required, Django notices new apps automatically.
E. Run the ` syncdb` command.
A. startapp users
B. --startapp users
C. --newapp users
D. newapp users
E. start users
B. FastCGI
D. mod_wsgi
A. model = CharField(max_length=255)
B. name = models.CharField(max_len=255)
C. name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
D. name = model.StringField(max_length=auto)
E. model.CharField(max_length=255)
A. to_s( self )
B. __utf_8__
C. __translate__
D. __unicode__
A. Set the field to hidden
B. Create a new Form, don't use a ModelForm
C. You can not do this
D. Use the exclude parameter in the Meta class in your form
A. To define a form based on an existing model
B. To model an input form for a template
C. To specify rules for correct form when writing Django code
A. user = models.ForeignKey(User)
B. models.ForeignKey( self, User )
C. user = models.IntegerKey(User)
D. model = new ForeignKey(User)
A. self, User )
B. Admin )
C. admin.register( Users )
D. Admin )
E. User )
A. The object is created and returned.
B. The Http404 exception is raised.
C. The DatabaseError exception is raised.
D. The MyObject.DoesNotExist exception is raised.
A. in, import timezone
B. In USE_TZ=True
C. in, import tz
D. In USE_L10N=True
E. in, import timezone
A. --start myproject
B. --new myproject
C. startproject myproject
D. startproject myproject
E. new myproject
A. User.all_records()
B. Users.objects.all()
C. User.objects
D. User.object.all()
E. User.objects.all()
A. django.helpers
B. django.extras
C. django.contrib
D. django.utilities
E. django.ponies
A. Starts a command line in whatever $SHELL your environment uses.
B. Starts a Django command prompt with your Python environment pre-loaded.
C. Loads a Python command prompt you can use to sync your database schema remotely.
D. Loads a special Pythonic version of the Bash shell.
E. Starts a Python command prompt with your Django environment pre-loaded.
A. def __init__():
B. def Meta():
C. class Meta:
D. def setUp():
E. class __init__:
A. There is no pre_save signal
B. from django.db.models import pre_save
C. from django.db.models.signal import pre_save
D. from django.db.models.signals import pre_save
A. Dijit is Dojo's git interface.
B. Dijit is Dojo’s UI Library.
C. Dijit is Dojo's AMD loader.
D. Dijit is Dojo's interface to the jQuery effects functions.
E. Dijit is Dojo's math library.
A. Checks for errors in your models.
B. Checks for errors in your views.
C. Checks for errors in your file.
D. Checks for errors in your templates.
E. Checks for errors in your controllers.
A. url(r'^admin/', include( ),
B. url(r'^admin/', admin.as_view(), name='admin ),
C. url(r'^admin/', include(admin) ),
D. url(r'^admin/', admin.urls ),
E. admin.autodiscover()
A. Defines the URL prefix where static files will be served from .
B. Defines the location where all static files will be copied by the 'collectstatic' management command, to be served by the production webserver.
C. Defines the location for serving user uploaded files.
D. A project's static assets should be stored here to be served by the development server.
A. {% for d in mydata -%} <p><a href="/users/{{ d.0 }}/">{{ d.1 }}</a></p> {% end -%}
B. {% for d in mydata %} <p><a href="/users/{{ d.0 }}/">{{ d.1 }}</a></p> {% endfor %}
C. {% mydata.each |d| %} <p><a href="/users/{{ d.1 }}/">{{ d.2 }}</a></p> {% end %}
D. {{ for d in mydata }} <p><a href="/users/{{ d[0] }}/">{{ d[1] }}</a></p> {{ endfor }}
E. {% for d in mydata %} <p><a href="/users/{% d.0 %}/">{% d.1 %}</a></p> {% endfor %}
A. Widget.objects.all().aggregate( Avg( 'users' ) )
B. User.objects.all().aggregate( Avg( 'widgets' ) )
C. User.objects.avg( 'widgets' )
D. User.objects.all().aggregate( Sum( 'widgets' ) )
E. User.all().aggregate( Avg( 'widgets' ) ).count()
A. User.objects.filter( last_login__isnull=True )
B. User.objects.filter( last_login=Null )
C. User.objects.filter( last_login=Never )
D. User.objects.filter( last_login__null=True )
E. User.objects.filter( last_login__isnull=False )
A. inspect
B. inspectdb
C. inspect
D. legacydb
E. schemadump
A. User.objects.filter( email__iexact='' )
B. User.objects.filter( email__matches='' )
C. User.objects.filter( email__exact='' )
D. User.objects.filter( email__contains='' )
E. User.objects.filter( email__icontains='' )
A. ./ compilemessages
B. ./ compiletranslation
C. ./ translate_files
D. ./ compilei18n
E. ./ i18n_update
A. foo_clean
B. validate_foo
C. clean_foo
D. foo_is_valid
A. foo_clean
B. clean_foo
C. clean_foo_field
D. sanitize_foo
E. validate_foo
A. User.objects.all().order('-name')[:10]
B. User.all().order_by('-name')[10:]
C. User.objects.all().order('-name')[10:]
D. User.objects.all().order_by('-name')[:10]
E. User.objects.all().order_by('name')[:10]
A. created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)
B. created = models.DateTimeField(
C. created = models.CreationTimeField()
D. created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, auto_now=True)
E. created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
A. suffix
B. prefix
C. name
D. infix
A. Raise ValidationError in MyForm.clean_<fieldname>()
B. Raise ValidationError in MyForm.clean()
C. Add the error to MyForm.errors in MyForm.clean()
D. Add the error to MyForm._errors in MyForm.clean()
A. fields_display
B. list_filter
C. fields_list
D. auto_list_fields
E. list_display
A. dumpdata myapp
B. ./ schema myapp
C. ./ sql myapp
D. ./ showschema myapp
E. ./ showsql myapp
A. True
B. Always
C. 1
D. Never
E. False
A. form.clean_password
B. form.clean_confirm_password
C. form.sanitize_data
D. form.clean
E. form.validate
A. models.ForeignKey('self')
B. models.ForeignKey('Company')
C. models.ForeignKey('me')
D. models.ForeignKey(Company)
A. django.db.models.fields.files.ImageFieldFile
B. django.db.models.fields.files.ImageFile
C. django.db.models.fields.files.ImageFileField
D. django.db.models.fields.files.ImageFileDescriptor
E. django.db.models.fields.files.ImageField
A. settings.get("SETTING_NAME", default_value)
B. getattr("SETTING_NAME", settings, default=default_value)
C. get_setting("SETTING_NAME", default=default_value)
D. getattr(settings, "SETTING_NAME", default_value)
A. Guido van Rossum and Linus Torvalds
B. Ian Bicking and Jannis Leidel
C. and Armando De La Veloper
D. Eric S. Raymond and Larry Wall
E. Jacob Kaplan-Moss and Adrian Holovaty
A. mimetypes used for returning http responses
B. a generic interface for working with models
C. functionality for working with varied file formats
D. none of the others
A. {{ extends block }}
B. {{ block.super }}
C. {% block.super %}
D. super (block, self)__init__()
E. {% super %}
A. assignment_tag
B. simple_tag
C. inclusion_tag
D. string_tag
A. Using META default_order attribute
B. Using META order_by attribute
C. Using META default_order_by attribute
D. Using META order attribute
E. Using META ordering attribute
A. True
B. False
A. User.objects.filter( name__iregex=r'^(fred|bob)$' )
B. User.objects.filter( name__iregex=r'^(fred|bob).+' )
C. User.objects.filter( name_iregex=r'^(fred|bob)+' )
D. User.objects.filter( name__like=r'^(fred|bob)*' )
E. User.objects.filter( name__regex=r'^(fred|bob)+' )
A. Model.objects.using('other').all()
B. Model.objects.all(using='other')
C. Model.objects.all(database='other')
D. Model.objects.database('other').all()
A. CommaSeparatedIntegerField
B. IPAddressField
C. SmallIntegerField
D. SlugField
E. LargeIntegerField
A. class Transaction(models.Model): product = models.ForeignKey(Product, related_name=None)
B. class Transaction(models.Model): product = models.ForeignKey(Product, related_name='+')
C. class Transaction(models.Model): product = models.ForeignKey(Product, related_name=False)
D. class Transaction(models.Model): product = models.ForeignKey(Product, related_name='')
A. Y/m/d g:i:s A
B. Y-m-d H:m:s
C. m/d/Y h:m:s
D. Y/m/d H:i
E. Y/m/d H:i:s A
A. @secret_fields
B. @sensitive_variables
C. @secret_variables
D. @sensitive_fields
E. @hide_fields
A. intword
B. intcomma
C. apnumber
D. naturaltime
E. ordinal
How is the ManyToManyField represented in Django model form?
A. CharField
B. ModelChoiceField
C. ModelMultipleChoiceField
D. Checkbox
Which of the following is NOT used to represent ManyToManyField in django model form? Check all that apply.
Note: There may be more than one right answer.
A. Charfield
B. ModelChoiceField
C. ModelMultipleChoiceField
D. Checkbox
What is the correct way to specify the fields to use in a Model Form?
A. Using fields attribute that specifies list of model fields in the form’s Meta class
B. Using exclude attribute in the form’s Meta class
C. Either 1 or 2
D. None of the mentioned
What is the exception raised if you are using POST against this function?
from django.views.decorators.http
import require_http_methods
@require_http_methods(["GET", "POST"])
def my_view(request):
A. HttpResponseNotAllowed
B. HttpResponseForbidden
C. HttpResponseBadRequest
D. No exception will be raised
What is the correct way to insert csrf token for forms in django template?
A. form action="" method="post">{% csrf_token %}
B. {% csrf_token %}
{% csrf_token %}Which Django core function can be used to send an email?
A. django.core.mail.send_mail
C. django.core.mail.send_email
D. None of the mentioned
Using a template tag you tried to load a templatetag as in {% load poll_extras %} and it failed, what could be the problem ?
A. You used the load in the wrong place of the page
B. You passed the limit of template tags
C. The app that contain the template tag is not in INSTALLED_APPS
D. All of the above
Which of the following are correct ways to add a message?
A. messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, 'Hello world.')
B. messages.add(request, messages.INFO, 'Hello world.')
C., 'Hello world.')
D. messages.success(request, 'Hello world.')
What does setting SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE = True do?
A. Ensures cookie can be sent on HTTP connection only
B. Ensures cookie can be sent on HTTPS connection only
C. Ensures cookie can be sent on any connection
D. Disables cookie
Django is a web __ in Python to develop a web application.
A. Programming
B. Framework
D. Library
How can you set up static files in Django?
B. run collectsatic
C. set up a Static Files entry on the PythonAnywhere web tab
D. All of the above
Which is the correct way to allow empty value in Integer Field?
A. models.IntegerField()
B. models.IntegerField(blank=True)
C. models.IntegerField(null=True)
D. models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)
What is the exception raised when a duplicate value is used in unique field while inserting a record?
A. ValidationError
B. IntegrityError
C. ObjectDoesNotExist
D. FieldError
Which of the following features are supported by Django?
A. Development Environment
B. Administration GUI
C. Multilingual system
D. Object Relational Mapping (ORM)
E. All of the above
Which of the following is the correct way to specify a translation string?
A. by using the function ugettext()
B. by using the function ugettext_lazy()
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above
Which of the following caching strategies can be implemented in Django?
A. File system caching
B. Local-memory caching
C. Using Memcached
D. Database caching
E. All of the above
Which of the following caching strategies are supported in Django? (check any that apply)
Note: There may be more than one right answer.
A. File sytem caching
B. Proxy models
C. Makemigrations
D. In-memory caching
What is the full form of FBV and CBV?
A. Function Based Views & Class Based Views
B. Function Behind Views & Class Behind Views
C. Function Before Views & Class Before Views
D. None of the mentioned
Which of the following is NOT used as a server for django in production?
C. Ansible
D. Gunicorn
Which of the following is true about generators?
A. Generators must contain a previous statement
B. Generators must contain a yield statement
C. Generators must contain a next statement
D. All of the above
Which decorators are used to restrict authentication of users?
Note: There may be more than one right answer.
A. @permission_required
B. @is_authenticated
C. @user_passes_test
D. @permissions
E. @login_required
Which is the correct way to create a superuser from command line?
A. python create superuser
B. python createsuperuser
C. python superuser create
D. None of the mentioned
Which of the following methods is not used in django ListView?
A. get_object
B. get_context_data
C. get_queryset
D. get
Which attribute is used to order the objects in django admin?
A. order
B. order_by
C. ordering
D. ordered
Which query gives the count of vehicles that are private?
A. Vehicle.objects.filter(private=True).count()
B. Vehicle.objects.count(private=True)
C. Vehicle.objects.filter(private=True).aggregate(Count(‘id’))
D. Both 1 and 2
E. Both 1 and 3
Which data structure is used to pass context values from views to template?
A. List
B. Tuple
C. Dictionary
D. Set
E. String
How would you iterate through a list called my_list in template ?
A. {% for x in my_list %} {% endfor %}
B. {% items in my_list %} {% items %}
C. {% iterate my_list as item %} {% enditerate %}
D. {% while my_list %} {% endwhile %}
E. {% cycle my_list as item %}
Which template tag is used to add another template to the current one?
A. base
B. lower
C. join
D. extend
E. include
Which of the following classes uses an HTTP 304 status code?
A. HttpResponseNotModified
B. HttpResponseRedirect
C. HttpResponseForbidden
D. HttpResponseServerError
Which of the following is not a layer in Django?
A. Models
B. Views
C. Templates
D. Controller
E. None of the above
Which of the following is not True?
A. The contenttypes application in django can track all of the models installed in your Django-powered project.
B. The flatpages application in django lets you store simple “flat” HTML content in a database.
C. The sites framework is a holding place for the domain names and “verbose” names of your Django-powered sites.
D. Django does not support Unicode data everywhere.
What kind of relation is defined between models A and B by invoking ForeignKey(A) in the class definition for model B?
A. Many to one: Many instances of B can have one instance of A
B. One to many: One instance of B can have many instances of A
C. One to one: One instance of B must have a unique instance of A and vice versa
D. All of the above
Which command runs all test in a django project?
A. python runalltests
B. python test
C. python test --all
D. None of the mentioned
Which of the following is not true about testing?
A. Separate, blank databases are created for tests.
B. The command used to run all unit tests is ./ test --all
C. Django’s unit tests use a Python standard library module called unittest
D. We can use a custom name for the test database by specifying NAME in the TEST dictionary in settings.
What is the name of the command line tool that Django provides for managing a newly created project and its applications?
A. pip
C. django¬
D. easy_install
What is true about the management command collectstatic?
A. Takes all of the static files of your project and puts them in the folder specified in STATIC_ROOT so they can be served in production.
B. Collect all static files and display the count.
C. Both 1 and 2
D. None of the mentioned
Which of the following url patterns is used to register admin urls?
A. url(r'^admin/', include(
B. url(r'^admin/', include(admin.urls))
C. url(r'^admin/', include(admin))
D. url(r'^admin/', include(site.urls))
Which of the following are determined by Django using field class types?
A. The database column type
B. The default HTML widget to avail while rendering a form field
C. Makemigrations
D. All of the above