Try to answer these 20 RCC Structures Design MCQs and check your understanding of the RCC Structures Design subject.
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A. Grashoff formula
B. Rankine formula
C. Rankine Grashoff formula
D. Marcus formula
E. Rankine-Marcus formula
A. 10 cm
B. 4 cm
C. 8 cm
D. 12 cm.
E. 6 cm
A. Equal to 6
B. Less than 6
C. Equal to 7
D. Not less than 6
A. None of these
B. Cantilever beam
C. Continuous beam
D. Simply supported beam
A. 7% of wall weight
B. 12% of wall weight
C. 10% of wall weight
D. 5% of wall weight
A. 0.696 %
B. 0.596 %
C. None of these
D. 0.796 %
E. 0.496 %
A. One-third of the effective span of the T-beam
B. Least of these
C. Distance between the centres of T-beam
D. Breadth of the rib plus twelve times the thickness of the slab
A. All these
B. To ovecome bursting stresses at the ends
C. To overcome high bearing stresses developed at the ends
D. To provide high bond stresses
E. To overcome cracks due to shrinkage
A. 25 kg/cm2
B. 10 kg/cm2
C. 15 kg/cm2
D. 5 kg/cm2
E. 20 kg/cm2
A. 250 kg/cm2
B. 100 kg/cm2
C. 175 kg/cm2
D. 49.9 kg/cm2
A. 30
B. 40
C. 50
D. 35
E. 60
A. 48 d
B. 38 d
C. 58 d
D. 95 d
E. 28 d
A. 21.5 kg/cm2
B. 8.3 kg/cm2
C. 11.4 kg/cm2
D. 7.6 kg/cm2
A. None of these
B. Column head
C. Capital
D. Drop panel
A. Moulding in any desired shape
B. Economy because of less maintenance cost
C. All these
D. Monolithic character
E. Fire-resisting and durability
A. 18 bar diameters
B. 36 bar diameters
C. 24 bar diameters
D. 30 bar diameters
A. 200 kg/m2
B. 150 kg/cm2
C. 75 kg/m2
D. Nil
A. 40 cm
B. 50 cm
C. 20 cm
D. 75 cm
E. 30 cm
A. Clear distance between the inner faces of the walls plus twice the thickness of the wall
B. Distance between the centres of the bearings
C. None of these
D. Clear span plus effective depth of the slab
A. 40 cm
B. 50 cm
C. 60 cm
D. 30 cm
E. 20 cm