The following Customer Relationship Management MCQs have been compiled by our experts through research, in order to test your knowledge of the subject of Customer Relationship Management. We encourage you to answer these 50+ multiple-choice questions to assess your proficiency.
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A. Acquiring the right customer
B. Instituting the best processes
C. Motivating employees
D. All of the above
A. Company relationship management
B. Supplier management
C. Retailer’s management
D. Customer relationship management
A. Customer lifetime value
B. Customer purchases value
C. Customer cost incurred
D. Customer relationships
A. Product benefits
B. Services benefit
C. Image benefit
D. All of above
A. Customer base
B. Retailer base
C. Distributor’s base
D. Marketer’s base
A. Customer touch point
B. Company touch poin
C. Retailers touch point
D. Relationship touch point
A. Cost of the Software
B. Improve overall relationship with customer
C. Customization of the Business
D. All of the above
A. Implementing CRM before creating a customer strategy
B. Rolling out CRM before changing the organization to match
C. Stalking, not wooing, customers
D. All of the above
A. Business database
B. Customer database
C. Databases marketing
D. Company marketing
A. Retailer’s management
B. Customer relationship management
C. Company relationship management
D. Supplier management
A. Total customer cost
B. Psychological cost
C. Personal benefits
D. Image benefits
A. Identify customers value attributes
B. Assessing attributes importance
C. Assessing company's performance
D. Assessing competitor’s performance
A. Customer perceived value
B. Company market value
C. Customer affordability
D. Customer reliability
A. Permission marketing
B. Activity marketing
C. Supplier marketing
D. None of the above
A. Cost based accounting
B. Activity based accounting
C. Turnover based accounting
D. Price based accounting
A. Customer touch point
B. Retailers touch poin
C. Company touch point
D. None of the above
A. Consumer behavior
B. Product cycle
C. Purchase behavior
D. None of the above
A. Database marketing
B. Customer relationship management
C. CRM analytics
D. B2C
A. Customer relationship management
B. Customer relations management
C. All the above
D. None of the above
A. Business to Government
B. Business to Business
C. All the above
A. Business to Government
B. Business to Consumer
C. Business to Business
D. All the above
A. Business to government
B. Business to consumer
C. Business to business
D. All the above
A. Business to government
B. Business to consumer
C. Business to business
D. Consumer to consumer
C. All the above
D. None of the above
A. Customisation
B. Personalisation
C. Improve sales
D. Increase in profit
A. Retailing
B. Higher point of sales
C. Personalisation
D. Improve in profit
A. Business centric
B. Money centric
C. Profit centric
D. Customer centric
A. Front-Office Solutions
B. Enterprise Application Integrations (EAIs) for CRM
C. CRM in the Back Office
D. All of these
A. Problem recognition
B. Post purchase behavior
C. Alternative evaluation
D. Purchase
A. Designing direct marketing effort
B. Developing new pricing models
C. Processing transactions faster
D. All of the above
A. Customer database
B. Customer mailing list
C. Business database
D. None of the above
A. Data mining
B. Data survey
D. None of the above
A. Implementing CRM before creating a customer strategy
B. Rolling out CRM before changing the organization to match
C. Stalking, not wooing, customers
D. All of the above
A. Customer funnel
B. Company funnel
C. Marketing funnel
D. Retailers funnel
A. Customer funnel
B. Company funnel
C. Marketing funnel
D. Retailers funnel
A. Customer funnel
B. Company funnel
C. Marketing funnel
D. Retailers funnel
A. Contact center
B. Help system
C. Multichannel marketing
D. Call center
E. Call center
A. Customer managed relationship
B. Customer life cycle
C. Customer segmentation
D. Change management
A. Customer managed relationship
B. Customer life cycle
C. Customer segmentation
D. Change management
A. Designing direct marketing efforts
B. Developing new pricing models
C. Processing transactions faster
D. All of the above
A. Customer service
B. Interactive
C. Corporate
D. Marketing
A. Commerce
B. Context
C. Community
D. Connection
A. Data mart
B. Business information warehouse
C. Business intelligence
D. Business warehouse
A. Database marketing
B. Marketing encyclopedia
C. Application integration
D. Service oriented integration
A. Structure and Stabilit
B. Safeguards information
C. Understands costumer priorities
D. All of the above
A. Electronic business
B. Electron business
C. Electric business
D. All of the above
A. E-business
B. E-marketing
C. E-purchasing
D. E-commerce
A. Lack of markets
B. Lack of sellers
C. Lack of proper infrastructure
D. None of the above
A. Knowledge Management systems
B. Product Management systems
C. Services Management systems
D. All of the above
A. Earn more money
B. Use latest technology
C. Speed up business process
D. To get updated