Answer these 900+ Sociology MCQs and assess your grip on the subject of Sociology. Scroll below and get started!
A. Street crime
B. Organized crime
C. Occupational crime
D. Hate crime
A. Conformity
B. Retreatism
C. Innovation
D. Rebellion
A. True
B. False
A. Crime does not differ by sex.
B. Women are often in less of a position to commit crimes, and those crimes they do commit are often to procure resources.
C. Only women commit crimes of passion.
D. Women’s crimes typically involve children.
A. True
B. False
A. Strain
B. Social dysfunction
C. Normalized society
D. Anomie
A. Self-fulfilling prophecy
B. Manifest function
C. Rebellion
D. Retreatism
A. True
B. False
A. True
B. False
A. Social control theory
B. Strain theory
C. Rational choice theory
D. Conflict theory
A. True
B. False
A. A rise in anomie
B. A decrease in crime
C. An increase in the death penalty
D. Improved social solidarity
A. True
B. False
A. Crime
B. Deviance
C. Wealth
D. Inequality
A. True
B. False
A. True
B. False
A. True
B. False
A. True
B. False
A. True
B. False
A. True
B. False
A. True
B. False
A. True
B. False
A. True
B. False
A. True
B. False
A. Strain
B. Law
C. Social control
D. All of these
A. Terrrorism
B. Democracy
C. Corruption
D. All of these
A. True
B. False
A. White
B. Black
C. Blue
D. Yellow
A. Appraise overall performance
B. Develop an action plan
C. Review progress
D. Set goals
A. Secondary
B. Planning
C. Workarounds
D. Sensitivity analysis
A. Controlling
B. Leading
C. Planning
D. Organizing
A. Karl Marx
B. Kenneth Adams
C. George Meany
D. Samuel Gompers
A. College recruiting
B. 360-degree appraisal
C. Realistic job preview
D. Selection
A. GoDaddy
B. VeriSign
C. Microsoft
A. Differential rate
B. Scientific
C. Soldiering
D. False
E. Inputs
A. Family of procreation
B. The conjugal family consisted of an autonomous married couple able to live outside their parents' household.
C. A wife is required to live with and obey her husband's parents
D. Women became responsible for the emotional demands of relationships
A. Can be used for nonbusiness purposes
B. Violence or obscenity
C. Delete material that violates the site's policies
D. Ads can be targeted to reach people with the desired demographic characteristics
A. Emergent Norms
B. Societies
C. Organic Intellectuals
D. Mobilization for Action
A. Task significance
B. Tactical planning
C. Operational
D. Centralization
A. Soft skill
B. Hard skill
C. Human skill
D. Conceptual Skills
A. Share the same values, traditions, and customs
B. Share the same goals and values
C. Share goals and function within a common structure
D. Function under the same set of rules and regulations
A. Are slightly outnumbered by
B. Are about the same in number as
C. Greatly outnumber
A. People are largely the same from culture to culture with respect to values
B. The views of managers differ greatly from those of employees with respect to values
C. The views of IBM employees differ widely from the general population with respect to values
D. People vary from culture to culture in five value categories
A. I
B. Id
C. Ego
D. Me
A. Organic.
B. Tribal.
C. Folk.
D. Natural
A. Horizontal
B. Vertical
C. None of these
D. Both of these
A. Too few available jobs
B. More economic inequality
C. Economic; social
D. Mostly middle-class
A. Exists only in industrial societies
B. Is found in all societies
C. Is found among all living species
D. All of these are correct
A. The American Medical Association
B. licensed medical doctors
C. insurance companies
D. Medical schools
A. Common status
B. Social category
C. Public category
A. Medicine
B. The family
C. The economy
D. Education
A. Eye color
B. Level of depression
C. Gender
D. Blood type
A. Family groups
B. Love relationships
C. Crisis support groups
D. All
A. Employment
B. Vendor-to-client relationships
C. A doctor
D. A mechanic
E. All
A. Membership
B. Aspirational
C. Avoidance
D. All of the above
A. Crime prevention
B. Probable cause
C. Compstat
D. Criminal justice procedure
A. A political system under which a king or queen has complete control of a country.
B. A political system under which a president has complete control of a country.
C. A political system under which the church has complete control of the country.
D. A political system under which the government is voted in by the people.
A. False
B. True
A. People, groups, and experiences that influence our behavior and self-image.
B. Leaders of religious groups
C. People who work in law enforcement
D. People who are in the military
A. A society in which everyone is a farmer
B. A society that raises crops by using animal-drawn plows.
C. A society that uses machines to plant and harvest crops.
D. A society that only raises livestock
A. The belief that all people in America have an equal chance to be rich and famous
B. The belief that all Americans are born into perfect families and will never experience hardship
C. The belief that all Americans are born free and have the same opportunities
D. The belief that all Americans, regardless of the conditions of their birth, have an equal chance to achieve success.
A. The inability to afford movies or other forms of entertainment.
B. A lack of food and water.
C. The condition of having too little income to buy the necessities-- food, shelter, clothing, health care.
D. A condition in which one is not able to buy items not considered necessities.
A. Relational poverty
B. Extreme poverty
C. Root cause of poverty
D. Poverty
A. A social position that is based on wealth
B. A social position that is based on heredity
C. A social position that is based on luck
D. A social position (status) obtained through an individual's own talents and efforts.
A. A collection of people who occupy a common space
B. A collection of people who are related to one another
C. A collection of people who know one another
D. A collection of unrelated people who do not know one another but who may occupy a common space
A. Large scale cultivation using plows and draft animals
B. Trade and bartering
C. Small scale cultivation using hoes and manual labor
D. Hunting and gathering
A. Contentedness
B. The separation or estrangement of individuals from themselves and from others.
C. Unhappiness
D. Happiness
A. The combination of two or more companies
B. The combination of two or more metallic elements
C. The union of several political parties
D. The biological as well as cultural assimilation (merging) of racial or ethnic groups.
A. Problems that cannot be explained or solved in terms of a prevailing paradigm.
B. Observations or problems that can be explained or solved in terms of a prevailing paradigm.
C. Discoveries that scientists were not expecting to make.
D. Unusual science experiments.
A. In science, anomalies are observations or problems that cannot be explained or solved in terms of a prevailing paradigm.
B. Observation of physical events that occur outside the range of normal human experience.
C. An event that is out of the ordinary or inexplicable.
D. A person who behaves in an unusual or peculiar way.
A. A breakdown or confusion in the norms, values, and culture of a group or a society.
B. A condition of complete normlessness.
C. A sudden, within a group or society, loss of cultural institutions and values.
D. A complete destruction of all norms, values, and culture within a group or society.
A. The South African equivalent of the Jim Crow laws in the United States
B. A system of racial segregation in Namibia
C. A city in Gauteng, South Africa
D. The recent policy of racial separation in South Africa enforced by legal political and military power.
A. The act of a majority group forcibly converting a minority group to their own belief system.
B. The belief that all groups are equal and should be treated the same.
C. The merging of minority and majority groups into one group with come common culture and identity.
D. The forced removal of a minority group from their homeland.
A. The process of making a foreign substance alike
B. The action of a liquid in which it flows into the spaces between particles
C. The process or result of reducing or being reduced in size or level
D. The merging of minority and majority groups into one group with a come mon culture and identity.
A. A group of people bound together by common goals and rules, but not necessarily by close personal ties.
B. A group of people bound together by common goals and rules, and by close personal ties.
C. A group of people bound together by common goals but not by rules.
D. A group of people not bound together by common goals and rules.
A. A form of work that is closer to sport than to play.
B. A form of sport that is closer to work than to play.
C. A form of work that is closer to play than to sport.
D. A form of sport that is closer to play than to work.
A. Power regarded as legitimate
B. The legitimate right to exercise power
C. Someone in a position of power
D. The right to make decisions and enforce them
A. The Baby Boom
B. Scientific method
C. The influence of a scientist's personal values and attitudes on scientific observations and conclusions.
D. Theories
A. Number of births per year per 1000 people.
B. Number of deaths per year per 1000 women 15 to 44 years old.
C. Number of births per year per 1000 women 15 to 44 years old.
D. Number of births per year.
A. Capitalism
B. Feudalism
C. Mercantilism
D. Marxism
A. Racial system
B. Caste system
C. Social system
D. Class system
A. A popular uprising
B. A natural skill or talent
C. The exceptional mystical or even supernatural quality of personality attributed to a person by others.
D. Having a strong personality
A. An individual who is skilled in public speaking
B. An individual who enlists the strong emotional support of followers through personal and seemingly supernatural qualities.
C. A leader elected by a group
D. An individual with a strong sense of integrity
A. A document outlining the conditions under which a ship sails.
B. The capacity of certain schools to confer special rights on their graduates.
C. A document that granted a city the legal right to self-governance.
D. An agreement between a ruler and his or her vassals.
A. Priority registration
B. Extra-curricular benefits
C. Reduced tuition
D. Special rights
A. A place where people go to informal worship services.
B. An organization with formal and traditional religious doctrine, beliefs, and practices.
C. A small, intimate gathering of religious people.
D. A religious institution that is not affiliated with a particular denomination.
A. A place with a lot of people
B. A relatively permanent settlement of large numbers of people who do not grow or gather their own food.
C. A large building
D. A place with a lot of pollution
A. Contract law
B. Common law
C. Wrongs against the individual
D. Criminal law
A. Business law
B. Criminal law
C. Employment law
D. Civil law
A. The domination of one religious group over another.
B. The complete separation of religion and politics.
C. The state enforcement of religious laws.
D. The interweaving of religious and political symbols in public life.
A. A social hierarchy based on race.
B. A social hierarchy based on gender.
C. A social hierarchy based on prestige and/or property ownership.
D. A social hierarchy based on religion.
A. Economic conflict
B. Social conflict
C. Class conflict
D. Class struggle
A. A way of thinking that is exclusive to the upper class
B. The sense of common class position and shared interests held by members of a social class.
C. A set of beliefs shared by members of the same social class
D. A method of social interaction between different classes
A. A system of stratification based primarily on the unequal ownership and control of political resources.
B. A system of stratification based primarily on the unequal ownership and control of economic resources.
C. A system of stratification based primarily on the unequal ownership and control of social resources.
D. A system of stratification based primarily on the unequal ownership and control of cultural resources.
A. The degree to which an organization is controlled by its environment.
B. The degree to which an organization is open to its environment.
C. The degree to which an organization is influenced by its environment.
D. The degree to which an organization is shut off from its environment.
A. The systematic improvement of intellectual ability through a series of stages.
B. The ability to reason and make decisions
C. The ability to remember and recall information
D. The ability to think and understand
A. A section of a Roman legion
B. A group of people sharing something in common
C. A generation
D. A period of 10 years
A. The state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.
B. A group of people who are willing to do what is necessary to stay together
C. A group of people who are willing to do what is necessary to achieve a goal.
D. Willingness of members of a group to do what is needed to maintain the group.
A. A collection of people in a geographical area
B. A website
C. A social media platform
D. A location-based app
A. Marriages in which husband and wife have similar family roles.
B. Marriages in which husband and wife take distinctly separate family roles.
C. Marriages in which husband and wife take on each other's family roles.
D. Marriages in which husband and wife do not have any family roles.