The following Aging MCQs have been compiled by our experts through research, in order to test your knowledge of the subject of Aging. We encourage you to answer these 40 multiple-choice questions to assess your proficiency.
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A. Geriatrics.
B. Gerontology.
C. Geropsychology.
D. Geropsychiatry.
A. Gendered lens.
B. Systemic discrimination theory.
C. Demographic understanding.
D. Life course perspective.
A. 17 years; 36 years
B. 36 years; 17 years
C. 23 years; 42 years
D. 42 years; 23 years
A. Longer life expectancy.
B. Decreasing urbanization.
C. A decline in birth rates.
D. Effects of birth cohorts.
A. Birth cohorts.
B. Demographic predictions.
C. Stereotypes of aging.
D. Formal age norms.
A. 55 years or older.
B. 60 years or older.
C. 65 years or older.
D. 70 years or older.
A. Disengaged aging.
B. Mature seniors.
C. Prolific aging.
D. Yuppie seniors.
A. 1975
B. 1984
C. 1998
D. 2015
A. Social Security
B. Unemployment Insurance
C. Medicare Part A
D. Medicare Part B
A. Frail
B. Competent
C. Wise
D. Powerful
A. Unlikable
B. Competent
C. Dependent
D. Untrustworthy
A. Germany
B. China
C. Sweden
D. Mexico
A. True
B. False
A. True
B. False
A. True
B. False
A. Ageism
B. Aging
C. Fertility
D. Childhoosh
A. Ageism
B. Aging
C. Fertility
D. Childhoosh
A. 65
B. 55
C. 64
D. 63
A. Non-Continuity
B. Aging
C. Continuity
D. Medicare
A. 1000
B. 2000
C. 100
D. 1500
A. True
B. False
A. True
B. False
A. Death Expectancy
B. Birth Expectancy
C. Life Expectancy
D. Expire Expectancy
A. Medicaid
B. Medicare
C. Medical
D. Dentist
A. Medicaid
B. Medicare
C. Medical
D. Dentist
A. 65
B. 64
C. 63
D. 62
A. Birth Rate
B. Poverty Rate
C. Death Rate
D. Life Rate
A. 64
B. 65
C. 66
D. 67
A. True
A. 65
B. 64
C. 63
D. 62
A. True
B. False
A. Slow down aging
B. Speed up aging
C. Increase the risk of diabetes
D. Increase the rate of death
A. Painful.
B. Inconvenient.
C. Enjoyable.
D. Exhausting
A. Osteoporosis
B. Glaucoma
C. Cataracts
D. Macular degeneration
A. Hierarchical
B. Compressed
C. Graded
D. Stratified
E. Commissioned
A. Last request
B. Dying will
C. Living will
D. Easy death order
A. Adolescence.
B. Emerging adulthood.
C. Middle adulthood.
D. Late adulthood
A. Novice
B. Emerging adulthood.
C. Middle adulthood.
D. Late adulthood
A. 76; 81
B. 81: 75.
C. 65; 84.
D. 84; 65
A. Strategic
B. Flexible
C. Automatic
D. Intuitive
A. To always vote in support of their economic interests
B. To uniformly support the candidate or measure endorsed by AARP
C. To be divided
D. To look to their adult children for guidance
A. GPA and advanced degrees
B. Education and wealth
C. Health and nutrition
D. Experience and flexibility
A. Meritocracy
B. Theocracy
C. Gerontocracy
D. Democracy