Our team has conducted extensive research to compile a set of English Speaking Skills MCQs. We encourage you to test your English Speaking Skills knowledge by answering these 50+ multiple-choice questions provided below.
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A. ka-shee
B. kash
C. catch
D. ka-shay
A. pile
B. f‌ile
C. fall
D. pale
The word placebo means 'a medicine given without any scientific link to the cure'. What is the correct pronunciation of this
A. faa-kaid
B. fuss-aid
C. fuh-sahd
D. fack-aad
A. seez
B. sahy-eej (sahy rhymes with sigh)
C. seej
D. sayj
A. ren-dey-voos (the 'e' in ren is pronounced as in ‘Ken')
B. ren-dez-vouse
C. run-dey-voos
D. rahn—duh-voo (the 'ah' in rahn is pronounced as in 'Ron')
A. troop
B. troop-ee
C. troop-ey
D. tr0up (rhyming with ‘doubt)
A. deI-yoo-jee/dih-lyoo-jee (the 'j‘ in gee is pronounced as in ’jar')
B. del-yoog/de-lyoo
C. del-yool/dih-looj
D. del-oog/de—ioog
A. shahr-luh-tn
B. char-ley—tan (the 'ch' in char is pronounced as in 'chapter‘)
C. shahr-ley-tn
D. Char-luh-tn
A. rove
B. love
C. dog
D. None of the above
A. dih-men-shuh
B. din-mun-sllee-uh
C. day-men-shuh
D. di-mun-shia
A. fuh-lahyn
B. fel-uhn
C. fee-Iin (lin rhymes with tin)
D. fee-lahyn
A. ach-illS
B. ack-ill-ees
C. ach-ill-ees (the 'ch' in ach is pronounced as in 'chapter')
D. ultskileez
A. It rhymes wiur the word 'cab'
B. it rhymes with the word 'mob'
C. Neither a nor b
A. ef-fi-gee (the ‘g' in gee is pronounced as in 'give')
B. ef-i-gee
C. ef-i-jee
D. ef-jhy
A. la-cure
B. la-queer
C. lak-er
D. lak—yor
A. pruh~nuhn~see-ye-shuhn
B. pruh-noun-see-aye-shun
C. pro-nun-see-aye-shun
D. pro-noun-see-aye-shun
A. i_i fahyn-l
B. Cl fr-nalee (the ‘a‘ in nal Is pronounced as in sally]
C. LI f‌i-nah~lee
D. D fahy-neyl
A. sahy-es-taa (sahy rhymes with sigh)
B. ses-tuh
C. see-es-tuh
D. sahy-est
A. deem-uhr
B. dih-muhr
C. dih-myor
D. dim-yuhr
A. bel-free
B. bel-fry
C. bul-free
D. bul-frey
A. bel
B. bal-ey
C. bel-ee
D. be-ley
A. fahrt
B. furh-tey (tey rhymes with say)
C. for-tee
D. fawr-tey
A. yoo-nuhch (the 'ch' in nuhch is pronounced as in 'much')
B. oo-nuhk
C. yoo-nuhk
D. eoo-nuhk
A. haph-az-verd
B. hap-haz-erd
C. hap-hazahrd
D. haf-haz-erd
A. ruz~er-vawr
B. res-ur-wahyuhr
C. res-uh'er-wahyuhr
D. rez-er-vwah
A. awr-kid
B. awr-chid (the 'ch‘ in chid is pronounced as in 'chapter‘)
C. awr-chyd
D. awr-chad
A. suhk-er
B. sock-er
C. soo-khur
D. suit-kawr
A. beltfree
B. Del-fry
C. bul-free
D. but-trey
A. ko-rum
B. kwawr-uitm
C. ku-rum
D. kwoh
A. kas-teez
B. Chas-tally: (the 'ch' in chas is pronounced as in 'chapter’)
C. kas-tahyz (the 'k' in kas is pronounced as in 'caster')
D. chas-teez
A. seev
B. sahy-eev (sahy rhymes with sigh)
C. siv
D. see-eev
A. sil-hoot
B. siI-oo-et
C. sil-hoit
D. sil-hoo-yet
A. groh-tesky
B. groh-tesku
C. groh-tesk
D. groh-tehs
A. get
B. gate
C. heat
D. yeti
A. yat
B. yot
C. yate
D. yet
The word résumé means a document used by a person to present his/her background and skills. What is the correct
pronunciation of this word?
The word f‌iend means 'devil. What Is the correct pronunciation of this word?
fahynd (rhymes with f‌ind)
A. match
B. march
C. mark
D. mock
A. ahr-cheetekt (the 'ch' in chee is pronounced as in 'chapter')
B. ahr-khy-tekt
C. ahr-ki-tekt
D. ar-ky-teck
A. del-yoo-jee/dlh-lyoo-jee (the T In gee is pronounced as in 'jar')
B. del-yoog/de-lyoog
C. del-yooj/dih-looj
D. del-ooglde-loog
A. fay-buhs
B. foh-buhs
C. fee-buhs
D. poh-buhs
A. hee-rahr-chee (the 'ch' in chee is pronounced as in 'chapter‘)
B. hee-rahr-key
C. hahy-uh-rahr-kee
D. hahy-rahr-chee
A. fawi-uh-see
B. fal-uh-see (the ‘a‘ in fal is pronounced as in 'sally')
C. fal-ee-see
D. fowl-see
A. mon-er-kee
B. mon-er‘cnee (the 'ch' in chee is pronounced as in 'chapter‘)
C. mon-er-chy
D. mon-uhr-ky
A. Yes
B. No
A. uk~sesh~uhn ('uk‘ is pronounced as in ‘tuck')
B. ess-sesh-uhn
C. ak—sesh-uhn
D. uh-sesh-uhn
A. flem
B. fleh-ghum
C. pleh-ghum
D. plhem
A. mach-ahy-vel-ee (the 'ch' in mach is pronounced as in 'match')
B. mach-ee-ya-veI-ee
C. mak~ee-uh-vel-ee
D. rnak-ee-uh-veI-ahy
A. soc-ave
B. soo-wave
C. swave
D. swahv
A. chop-soo
B. chop-soo-ee
C. chop~see
D. chop-say (sey rhymes with say)
A. shiv~uhI-ree
B. chiv-uhl-ree (the 'ch' in chlv is pronounced as in 'chapter‘l
C. shyv~uhl-ree
D. chyv-uhI-ree (the ‘ch' in chyv is pronounced as in ‘chapter‘]
A. kuh-riz-muh
B. char-iz-muh (the ‘ch' in char is pronounced as in 'charter')
C. kyoo-rIz-muh
D. kair-rhiz-muh