These English Vocabulary UK multiple-choice questions and their answers will help you strengthen your grip on the subject of English Vocabulary UK. You can prepare for an upcoming exam or job interview with these English Vocabulary UK MCQs.
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A. allusion
B. illusion
A. discrete
B. discreet
A. notary
B. lawyer
C. barrister
D. attorney
A. fickle
B. staunch
C. evocative
D. loyal
A. mitre
B. meagre
C. buxom
D. copious
A. carat
B. karat
C. carrot
D. caret
A. sensor
B. censor
C. (None of these)
D. censer
A. easy to anger
B. hard to grow
C. complicated to explain
D. difficult to understand
A. confuses
B. caresses
C. combines
D. collapses
A. inevitable
B. varied
C. valuable
D. respected
A. err
B. ere
C. heir
D. air
A. effect
B. affect
A. credible
B. credulous
A. a piece of furniture
B. a cream or lotion
C. an eraser
D. a container
A. ungenerous
B. angry
C. amoral
D. disabled
A. oral
B. aural
C. verbal
A. averse
B. adverse
A. spiny sea creatures
B. sunken treasure
C. sponges
D. octopi
A. dissuade
B. disagreement
C. dissonance
D. concord
A. confirmation
B. acclamation
C. conformation
D. acclimation
A. disliked
B. disavowed
C. ignored
D. enjoyed
A. angrily defend
B. loudly shout
C. quietly recast
D. publicly renounce
A. seer
B. sage
C. expert
D. novice
A. someone with a rebellious attitude
B. someone born in Europe
C. someone knowledgeable in many areas
D. someone with great artistic talent
A. snip
B. join together
C. agree
D. hasten
A. it's
B. its
A. illicit
B. elicit
A. friendly
B. disorderly
C. boring
D. amusing
A. palette
B. pallet
C. palate
A. appraise
B. apprise
A. incredulous
B. incredible
A. faun
B. fawn
A. office
B. victory
C. refuge
D. funding
A. malevolent
B. seruptitious
C. benevolent
D. swift
A. median
B. mean
C. mode
A. cord
B. chord
A. assent
B. ascent
C. altar
D. alter
A. wise
B. whimsical
C. mysterious
A. bowl
B. disaster
C. cornucopia
D. mixture
A. Their
B. They're
C. There
A. a dustbin
B. a type of spoon
C. a type of bread
D. a large bowl
A. amoral
B. immoral
A. they're
B. there
C. their
A. counsellor
B. councillor
A. climactic
B. climatic
A. incite
B. insight
A. Their
B. They're
C. There
A. accept
B. except
A. patrons
B. followers
C. enemies
D. soldiers
A. lessen
B. harm
C. increase
D. reduce
A. influence
B. pugnacity
C. opportunity
D. wisdom
A. a young animal
B. gladly
C. greedy
D. pretend
A. file
B. (None of these)
C. faille
D. phial
A. devalued currency
B. obnoxious smells
C. ancient artifacts
D. disloyal acts
A. omnipotent
B. rich
C. beautiful
D. wonderful
A. tyre
B. tire
C. tier
D. tyr
A. hand-sewn
B. obdurate
C. warm
D. disreputable
A. alluded
B. diluted
C. eluded
A. inebriated
B. elongated
C. obsfucated
A. anchor
B. anger
C. appease
D. appear
A. dissent
B. convict
C. concord
D. digress
A. weir
B. where
C. wear
D. ware
A. arctic
B. ancient
C. anatomical
D. angular
A. censor
B. sanction
C. censure
A. extravagant
B. unintelligible
C. detailed
D. excessive
A. gloomy
B. busy
C. celebratory
D. scandalous
A. describe partially
B. conceal completely
C. confess abashedly
D. discuss publicly
A. opulent
B. terrible
C. frugal
D. intrusive
A. insolent
B. cowardly
C. lame
D. ingenious
A. augur
B. auger
C. aught
D. ought
A. secret language
B. technological proficiency
C. small animal
D. angry rebelliousness
A. voluntary
B. mandatory
C. implicit
D. required
A. carat
B. caret
C. karat
D. carrot
A. to be aggravated
B. to earn more
C. to grow taller
D. to become inflexible
A. unethical
B. amusing
C. disinterested
D. unwise
A. byte
B. bight
C. bite
D. (None of these)
A. academic work
B. old age
C. competence
D. garden
A. pare
B. pair
C. pear
D. (None of these)
A. broach
B. breech
C. brooch
D. breach
A. one who doesn't listen
B. one who reoffends
C. one who divides
D. one who writes poetry
A. anodyne
B. fecund
C. sere
D. listless
A. file
B. faille
C. phial
D. (None of these)
A. bourn
B. bourne
C. born
D. borne
A. northern desert
B. subarctic forest
C. African plains
D. uninhabited wasteland
A. jovial, jolly
B. gaseous
C. expansive
D. serious, gloomy
A. nappy
B. climate
C. diaper
D. nanny
A. obese
B. unpleasant, unkind
C. malodorous
D. silly, incorrect
A. hypothesis
B. x-coordinate
C. truth
D. meniscus
A. bairn
B. asset
C. favor
D. bane
A. overly complicated
B. partially formed
C. slightly crooked
D. somewhat softened
A. sparing with words
B. extraordinarily relaxed
C. reminiscent of water
D. loosely fitting
A. profligate
B. censor
C. miser
D. yeoman
A. insoluble
B. circular
C. round
D. indirect
A. presumptuous
B. pretentious
C. penniless
D. philanthropic
A. uproot
B. argue against
C. disenfranchise
D. quarrel
A. sleight of hand
B. rabbits
C. illusion
D. misdirection
A. tyrant
B. priest
C. slob
D. beginner
A. lessen
B. abdicate
C. enhance
D. sicken
A. motorbike
B. car
C. motorcycle
D. bike
A. lustful
B. treasonous
C. murky
D. careful, effortful