These Google Search multiple-choice questions and their answers will help you strengthen your grip on the subject of Google Search. You can prepare for an upcoming exam or job interview with these Google Search MCQs.
So scroll down and start answering.
A. term1,term2
B. term1%term2
C. term1 | term2
D. term1/term2
A. Instantly shows related search terms for queries with few results.
B. Shows you search results as you type your query.
C. Makes predictions to questions you may search in Google.
A. 20+ minutes
B. 0-4 minutes
C. Only 2 minutes or less
D. 4-20 minutes
A. False
B. True... only if your browser has Google installed as a Search Provider.
C. True... only if you are using Chrome.
D. True... always
A. No, results show as "Any time" by default
B. Yes, results show last ten years by default.
A. contains:
B. site:
C. url:
D. inurl:
A. XML document which tells Google's crawlers what to index on your site.
B. A tool which visually maps out topical similarities among websites retrieved by your search terms.
C. Sitemap is not relevant to Google services.
D. A "heat map" of the most visited pages on a website.
A. pagetitle:hiking mt washington
B. title: hiking mt washington
C. allintitle: hiking mt washington
A. inurl:biking
B. pageurl:biking
C. url:biking
A. food synonym facts
B. food OR nutrition facts
C. ~food facts
D. food OR nutrition OR other facts
A. Google Instant does not exist.
B. When you open Google, it will have your most recent search already showing
C. After you type in your query and press enter, Google will automatically bring you to the first site on its list
D. As you type Google shows the most popular searches with the letters you have started typing
A. -
B. :
C. ~
D. *
A. One result from each category will appear as your results
B. The top news story for your search results appear
C. The highest ranked site for your search automatically opens
D. A random site from the search is automatically opened
A. high school filetype:pdf
B. "high school" filetype:pdf
C. high school file:pdf
D. "high school" file:pdf
E. "high school" ext:pdf
A. Yes, use and select "Google shortlink" to create a based shortlink.
B. No, you have to use an external website to shorten any google or other URL's
C. Yes, is Google's URL shortener.
D. Google shortens URLs internally, but has not released the tool for public use.
A. link:edu
B. filetype:edu
C. site:edu
D. inurl:edu
A. cats -filetype:doc
B. cats except:.doc
C. cats -filetype=doc
D. cats w/o filetype:doc
A. ,
B. ~
C. =
D. " "
E. /
A. SafeSearch
B. GoogleProtection
C. ChildLock
D. ContentFilter
E. SafeGoogle
A. It is from the same website as the last unindented link listed
B. It is one of the best sites found for the search criteria
C. It is a shopping website
D. It is a site that should not be viewed by children
A. Moderate
B. Light
C. Strict
D. Off
A. Google does a search for "google."
B. You are sent to the Google Doodles home page.
C. Google does a search for "blank."
D. The screen begins to shake.
E. Nothing
A. The link opens Google's backup version of the site
B. The link opens in a new tab
C. The link is stored on a list of links on the side of your screen
D. The link is saved in your bookmarks
A. doesn't do anything
B. hides all results from
C. shows pages containing the words "cache" and ""
D. shows only pages from website
E. shows Google's cached version of the website
A. YouTube videos of bird watching
B. Informational websites about bird watching
C. Videos of bird watching from various providers
D. No results found
A. Google will search for that exact word only.
B. Google will omit that word from its results.
C. Google will search for related words only (results will not include original word).
D. Google will search for that word and related words.
A. Two plus signs, like this: [ ++purple ]
B. One equals sign, like this: [ =purple ]
C. Single-quotes, like this: [ 'purple' ].
D. Double-quotes, like this: [ "purple" ].
E. Two plus signs, like this: [ +purple+ ]
A. Google search looks for quotations
B. Google search performs a phrase match
C. Google search excludes the words inside the quotes
D. Google search performs a broad match
A. Pages with the word Salsa but NOT the word Dance
B. Pages with both words, the hyphen is ignored
C. Pages with the word Dance but NOT the word Salsa
D. No results
A. weather=90210
B. 90210,weather
C. weather:90210
D. 90210/weather
E. weather near 90210
A. It refers to the fact that the keywords placed in important parts of a webpage are given priority by the search engines
B. It refers to the fact that the importance of choosing high traffic keywords leads to the best return on investment
C. It refers to the importance attached to getting the right keyword density
A. No results because you cannot put more than two words into the search box
B. Pages with the exact phrase I have a dream
C. Pages with all the words I and have and a and dream anywhere on the pages even if not a phrase.
D. Pages with the words I or have or a or dream
A. (all cats are grey in the dark)
B. phrase:all cats are grey in the dark
C. allintext:all cats are grey in the dark
D. all cats are grey in the dark
E. "all cats are grey in the dark"
A. Shopping
B. Places
C. Mapquest
D. Gmail
E. Youtube
A. False
B. True
A. Click the ANIMALS button under Images and select which types you want
B. Search for ANIMALS and then click on the Images link at the top of the page
C. Type in the word ANIMALS and click the Search Button
D. Type in the words ANIMALS PICTURES to the search box
A. filetype:pdf
B. file:pdf
C. "pdf"
D. file:pdf
E. +pdf
A. !
B. &
C. $
D. #
E. *
A. "American idol", Cowell
B. American idol (Cowell)
C. American Idol: Cowell
D. American idol -Cowell
E. American idol /Cowell
A. An exclamation point (!)
B. A forward arrow (>)
C. A dash (-)
D. A star (*)
A. Nothing
B. It will give you the top news stories on the internet.
C. It will ask you to type in what you are searching for.
A. Voice
B. Maps
C. Shopping
D. Videos
E. News
A. Public Transit, Drive, and Walk
B. Drive Only
C. Drive, Walk, Public Transit, and Bicycling
D. Walk and Drive Only
A. file.pdf
B. filetype:pdf
C. .pdf
D. files:.pdf
A. insubject: "alternative music"
B. intitle: "alternative music"
A. MX340
B. MX340
C. -MX340
A. "puppy food"
B. “puppy food”
C. “puppy food”
A. calculus filetype:pdf
B. calculus file:pdf
C. calculus pdf
A. False
B. True
A. True
B. False
A. ^ or *
B. x or *
C. ^ or t
D. t or *
E. t or x
A. fluoride minus FDA
B. fluoride NEGATIVE:FDA
C. fluoride -FDA
D. fluoride WITHOUT FDA
E. fluoride MINUS FDA
A. None of these
B. By searching for your location
C. Turn on your computer's GPS
D. Click on Change Location on the left side of the screen
A. False
B. True
A. 10:mm to meters
B. None of these
C. 10mm to Meters
D. mm to meters (10)
E. 10mm- Meters
A. Searching the item in “Google Finance”
B. Feeling Lucky search in the main window
C. Searching the item in “Google Shopping”
D. Searching the item in the main window
A. This is not possible.
B. Tracking number
C. This is an extra service that must be requested when delivering the package.
D. Receipt number
A. weather: 02118
B. boston: 02118
C. info:02118
D. weather MA
A. Search and Advanced Search
B. Go and Popular Searches
C. Search and Google Services
D. Google Search and I'm Feeling Lucky
A. -
B. ~
C. =
D. +
A. what is:
B. define:
C. details:
A. False
B. True
A. True
B. False
A. filetype:
B. file:
C. format:
D. doc:
A. False
B. True
A. You cannot do this
B. Append :50 to the end of the search string
C. Choose Advanced Search and change the setting for Results per Page to 50
D. Choosed Advanced Search and change the Reading Level to 50
A. marking blue
B. marking red
C. underlining the key words
D. Adding tags
A. Indian mosque
B. all of these
C. mosque:India
D. mosques of India
A. True
B. False
A. Allow you to select a background image for your Google homepage.
B. Select a different color background for Google's logo.
C. Select a different Google Doodle to be displayed.
D. Select a different color background for your Google homepage.
A. A search engine that uses what your friends have shared on Google Plus
B. A generic term for specialized search engines such as Google Patents or Google Books
C. An educational tool for looking up traditions in other countries
D. A search engine set up by a user to search a specified site or set of sites
A. 12,%, 100
B. 120
C. 12% of 100
D. 12 percent 100
A. 40 Celsius^Fahrenheit
B. 40 Celusius -Fahrenheit
C. 40C/F
D. 40 Celsius to Fahrenheit
A. 10 USD
B. 10 USD to british
C. 10 USD to GBP
D. 10 USC = x GBP
A. google time
B. my time
C. Local time
D. clock
E. system time
A. True
B. False
A. True, just enter your arithmetic into the query
B. False, there are no symbols on a QWERTY keyboard available for inputting mathematics
C. True, as long as you use MathType software
D. False, you have to pay for this feature
A. stocks:dow
B. info:dow
C. real-time:dow
A. "the early bird gets the worm"
B. the early bird gets the worm
C. :the early bird gets the worm
D. {the early bird gets the worm}
A. noun
B. both
C. verb
A. info: Apple
B. stocks: Apple
A. True
B. False
A. True
B. False
A. universities findin:philadelphia
B. universitiesin:philadelphia
C. searchin:philadelphia for universities
D. universities in philadelphia
A. dictionary: <word>
B. whatis: <word>
C. define: <word>
D. meaning: <word>
A. 234/89
B. 234 to 89
C. 89/234
D. 89 to 234
A. Currency Exchange
B. Shopping
C. News
D. Images
A. 3!5
B. 3***5
C. 3*5
D. 3^5
A. False
B. True
A. True
B. False
A. Moderate filtering
B. All of these
C. No filtering
D. Strict filtering
A. Chrome
B. Safari
C. Internet Explorer
D. Firefox
A. It displays a drop down menu with options like Translate, Blogs, YouTube, and Photos.
B. Nothing.
C. Google does not have a More tab.
A. The most recent Google stock quote from NADASQ
B. The most current news about Google and the senior management at Google
C. The latest news from around the world
D. Recent tips on how to best use Google to search
A. wikipedia's definition of a bird.
B. Larry Bird's wikipedia page
C. Angry Bird's wikipedia page
D.'s definition of a bird
A. No, someone else has to
B. Yes, but only if you're famous
C. Yes, anyone can
D. Yes, if your 18 or older
A. Very little
B. Major
C. None
D. Some
A. True
B. False
A. site[gov]
B. site:gov
C. Government
D. +gov