Answer these 600+ Robotics MCQs and assess your grip on the subject of Robotics.
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A. Spatial base
B. Environment
C. Exclusion zone
D. Work envelope
A. Signal
B. Feedback
C. Pressure
D. None of the Above
A. Computer Science
B. Civil Engineering
C. Mechanical Engineering
D. Electrical Engineering
A. Drive
B. Controller
C. End effectors
D. Peripheral tools
A. Factories
B. Hospitals
C. Private homes
D. None of the above
A. Vacation schedules
B. Visual presentations
C. Budget projections
D. Business decisions
A. Hills
B. Medicine
C. Military
D. Industries
D. None of the Above
A. Robot pose
B. Robat path
C. Robot action
D. Robot position
A. Robots must make business a greater profit
B. Robots must follow the directions given by humans
C. Robots must never take actions harmful to humans
D. None of the above
A. Computer Science
B. Electrical Engineering
C. Mechanical Engineering
D. Chemical Engineering
A. Playback Robot
B. Fixed Sequence Robot
C. Variable sequence robot
D. None of the above
A. Path related
B. Map related
C. Edge related
D. None of the above
A. Automated guided Vehical
B. Automated grid Van
C. Automatic guided Vehical
D. None of the above
A. True
B. False
A. Data Adjuster
B. Auto-Sensor
C. None of these choices are correct
D. A Robot
E. Absolute Data
A. Checks to see if the robot has exited its predetermined Home
B. Retrieves and records a random digit from a telephone keypad
C. Displays the signal strength of a particular frequency band
D. Establishes an indicated value of zero when the robot is at the predetermined Home
E. Generates and displays a map of the building
A. Money
B. Business
C. Home
D. Weight
E. Age
A. Accuracy
B. Mean time to failure
C. Defects
D. Efficiency
E. Effectiveness
A. The efficiency of the weapon
B. The accuracy of the weapon
C. The deviation between the command characteristic and the attained characteristic
D. The deviation between the predicted characteristic and the attained characteristic
A. A robot with an on-board sensor that monitors its environment and modifies its motion accordingly
B. One in which motion modification during the performance of a task is initiated by the control system
C. One in which motion is fixed during the performance of a task
D. One that responds to external stimuli
E. A robot that can be instructed to move in a particular way
A. The dimension
B. The position or location
C. The control point's orientation
D. The function
E. The position of the control point
A. Marginal cost
B. Marginal cost pricing
C. Unsensed errors
D. Marginal revenue
E. Firm's sunk costs
A. A command
B. A power supply
C. A signal
D. A pressure wave
A. Navigation system
C. Steering system
D. Motor
E. Control system
A. Battery
B. Wire
C. Actuator
D. Motor
A. Rotating joint
B. Focal point
C. Motor
D. End-effector
A. Cadaver Arm
B. Limbless Manipulator
C. Articulated Manipulator
D. Partial Arm
A. Rotation only
B. Translation and rotary motion
C. Rotation and translation
A. Muscle
B. Cartilage
C. Articulation
D. Bone
A. Jointed manipulator
B. Leg
C. Hopper
D. Arm
A. Jointed
B. Springloaded
C. Twisting
D. Vibrating
E. Articulated
A. Automobiles
B. Pharmaceuticals
C. Pharmaceutical manufacturing
D. Assembly line production
E. Car assembly
A. Automatic Measurement Function
B. Computer Aided Manufacturing
C. Computer Aided Design
D. Geometric Model
E. Wireframe
A. The tool's mass
B. A CAD model of the tool
C. The material properties of the tool
D. The geometry of the tool
E. The geometry of the workpiece
A. 8370
B. 8373
C. 8365
D. 8364
E. 8376
A. Axis A
B. Direction of travel
C. Axis B
D. Axis C
A. Linear or rotary with constant speed
B. Balanced or unbalanced
C. Linear or rotary
D. Single-ended or differential
E. Linear or circular
A. A signal that warns the operator when they are getting too close to an object
B. A signal that indicates the direction of travel
C. A signal based on whether the current position is within a predefined range
D. A signal that can be turned off
E. A warning signal for when the power to the station is about to expire
A. The arm
B. The robotic arm
C. The robot arm
D. The stable platform
E. The robot
A. Stable platform
B. Manufacturing line
C. Machine
D. Tool
A. NAD 83
B. UTM Zone 12
C. Polar Coordinate System
D. Cartesian Coordinate System
E. World Coordinate System
A. The origin of a coordinate system
B. The coordinate space
C. A common reference point
D. A cell's size
E. A coordinate space
A. Allows for easy navigation
B. Allows for easy comparison of maps
C. Assigns a coordinate to every point in the world
D. Defines the shape of Earth
E. Defines a common reference point
A. First joint
B. Second joint
C. Third joint
A. Base Link
B. Base
C. Controller
D. Battery Box
E. Control Link
A. The shaft that transfers power to the robot arm
B. The human body
C. The rotating base structure of a robot arm
D. The robotic arm
E. The stationary base structure of a robot arm
A. Burn-in
B. Shutdown
C. Calibration
D. Calibrate
E. Reprogramming
A. To test movement and movement programming
B. To verify the output quality of a display
C. To check for compatibility with the user's environment
D. To ensure proper function of the monitor
E. To test the readability of a text
A. Assembly language applications
C. Database applications
D. Computer graphic applications
E. Product design applications