Try to answer these Brain anatomy MCQs and check your understanding of the Brain anatomy subject. Scroll down and let's begin!
A. Nares
B. Nostrils
C. Olfactory epithelium
D. Olfactory nerve
A. Language
B. Coordination
C. Memories
D. Emotions
A. Nonsynaptic
B. Monosynaptic
C. Polysynaptic
D. Nonsynaptic reflex and a monosynaptic
A. Thalamus; amygdala
B. Somatic nervous system
C. Sympathetic nervous system
D. Parasympathetic nervous system
A. Hippocampus
B. Endorphin
C. Antagonist
D. Ionotropic
A. ​low levels were most submissive
B. ​high levels had the most scars
C. ​high levels were the most aggressive
D. Low levels were usually dead by age six
A. Placebo
B. Intravenous
C. Sensitization
D. None of this
A. Destruction
B. Interconnected clusters of neurons in the central nervous system.
C. Provide nutrients to interneurons.
D. Broca's area
E. Association areas.
A. Interventricular foramen
B. Interventriclar septum
C. Arachnoid villi
D. Cerebral aqueduct
A. Plants.
B. Humans.
C. Animals.
D. Inanimate objects.
A. Brainstem
B. Cranium
C. Meninges
D. Nerves
A. Interventricular foramen
B. Interventriclar septum
C. Arachnoid villi
D. Cerebral aqueduct
A. Plants.
B. Humans.
C. Animals.
D. Inanimate objects.
A. Brainstem
B. Cranium
C. Meninges
D. Nerves