Microsoft Office MCQs

Microsoft Office MCQs

Answer these 200+ Microsoft Office MCQs and assess your grip on the subject of Microsoft Office.
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Suppose that you have downloaded a new font from the web for your Microsoft Word 2016 document. If you want to open this document on another computer that doesn‘t have the same font. you need to embed it. Which of the following options marked in the image will you choose to embed the font in the document?










Consider the given image for the following question.

There are red triangles in the upper-right corner of each cell under the column titled ‘"Class'" What do they signify?


They represent that the cells are containing formatted data.


They represent that some data validation is associated with the cells.


They represent that the comments are associated with the cells


They represent that the cells cannot be edited.


The IT security depanmc-ltt of Mark''s organization has (loaded that only digitally signed macros will he allowed in micorosoft’s Excel 2016. Which of the following is the correct way to restrict the unsigned macros?


Go to the File tab -> Click Info -> Click Excel Options -> Click Security-> Select Allow digitally signed macros only 


Go to the File tab -> Click info ~> Click Excel Options -> Click Security-> Select Disable All macros accept digitally signed macros  


Go to the File tab -> Click Options -> Click Trust Center under the Excel Options dialog box-> Click Trust Center Settings --> Click Macro Settings-> Select Disable All macros except digitally signed macros    


Go to the File tab ~> Click Options -> Click Trust Center under the Excel Options dialog box -> Click Macros -> Select Disable All macros except digitally signed macros


In order to show a timeline; a progression; sequential steps In a process. task or workflow; or to emphasize movement or direction, which of the following Process type SmatArt graphics will be the most suitable option?


Arrow Ribbon


Basic Chevron Process 


Continuous Picture List


Ascending Picture Accent Process


When you create a document in Microsoft Word 2016. certain personal information is added to the f‌ile, eg. information about the author of the document. if you want to share the document with others but do not want to share that personal Information, then which of the following options will you choose to retrieve that information from the file?


Check Accessibility 


 Check Compatibility  


Document inspector    


None of the above


Consider the Excel sheet given in the image. What will be the output if we apply the formula. =AVERAGEIFS(D2:D7, A2:A7, 2016, B2:B7, ">6")?








7: In Microsoft Word 2016. which of the following types of circle represents the top of the hierarchy in a Sunburst chart?

A.   Outermost circle

B.   innermost circle

C.   Both a and b

D.   Neither a nor b)


Consider the given image and answer the following question.

Suppose that you have entered some text in a Microsoft Word 2016 document as shown in figure 1 of the given image. Which of the following actions will you perform to achieve the text formatting (underline every word) as shown in figure 2 of the given image?


Select all the text and press Ctrl + U keys. 


Select all the text and press Shift + U keys. 


Select all the text and press Ctrl + Shift + W keys.


Select all the text and press Ctrl + Shift + T keys.


Suppose that you have inserted a few images into a Microsoft Word 2016 document. From which of the following views under the View tab, you will NOT be able to edit these images?

1. Print Layout

2. Web Layout

3. Outline

4. Draft


All 1. 2. 3. and 4  


Only 2 and 3


Only 3 and 4


Only 2 and 4

10: In Microsoft Excel 2016. which of the following tabs will you click for accessing the View Macros option?

A.   Developer

B.   Review

C.   View

D.   Home


Maria inserts a table with three rows and three columns into a Microsoft Word 2016 document. Now she wants to delete that table from the document- Which of the following isr’are the correct procedure[s] to do this?

1. Place the cursor Inside any cell of the table and press the Delete key.

2. Right-click on the table move handle and select Delete Table.

3. Select the whole table by right-clicking on the table move handle and press Delete


4. Select the whole table by right-clicking on the table move handle and press Ctrl + Delete 


Only 1 and 2 


Only 2 and 4 


Only 2 and 3 


Only 1. 3. and 4

12: In Microsoft Excel 2016. which of the following options is used for limiting or restricting the cell entries to a certain data type?

A.   Manage Data Model

B.   Filter

C.   Advanced

D.   Data Validation

13: In Microsoft PowerPoint 20i6, which of the following keys can be used to pause the slideshow delivery?

A.   A

B.   S

C.   P

D.   L


The coach of the national cricket team wants to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the team players. He has selected 4 major areas to analyze: fitness. f‌lexibility. attitude and punctuality. Which of the following chart types will be most suitable in this situation?


 Line chart 


Surface chart 


Radar chart


Waterfall chart

15: in Microsoft PowerPoint 20l6. which of the following view types should be used to show all the slides in a presentation on one screen?

A.   Outline view

B.   Normal view

C.   Slide Sorter view

D.   Notes Page view

16: While changing the resolution of a picture in Microsoft PowerPoint 2016. which of the following is NOT included in the Adjust group under the Format tab?

A.   Color

B.   Corrections

C.   Shapes

D.   Artistic Effects

17: In Microsoft Excel 2016. which of the following is the correct syntax of the VLOOKUP command?

A.   =VLOOKUP (value. table. coi_lndex. [range_lookup})

B.   =VLOOKUP (col_ index. [range_lookup})

C.   :VLOOKUP (table. Irange_lookup]),value, col_index)

D.   =VLKUP (value, col_index. table. [range_lookup]i


Consider the given Image for the following question.

John inserts a PivotTa bie in Sheet 2, based on the data given in the image. He drags the "Days" f‌ield from the list of columns to the Values Section in the PivotTabie Fields pane. Which of the followi


Max of Days    


 Average of Days   


Sum of Days


Count of Days

19: Which of the following statements is correct about subtotal and total f‌ields in a Microsoft Excel 2016 PivotTable report?

A.   lfa calculated item is contained by a f‌ield, then the subtotal summary function cannot be Changed.

B.   Average function cannot be used as a subtotal.

C.   Var and Varp functions cannot be used as a subtotal.

D.   None of the above.

20: in Microsoft Excel 20l6. which of the following keyboard shortcuts should be pressed to switch between relative and absolute cell references while writing a formula in a worksheet?

A.   F1

B.   Ctrl+6

C.   F4

D.   Ctr|+2

21: Which of the following options is NOT a correct method for consolidating data in Microsoft Excel 2016?

A.   Consolidation by position.

B.   Consolidation by category.

C.   Consolidation by data type

D.   None of the above.

22: In Microsoft PowerPoint 2016, which of the following keyboard shortcuts is used to add a new slide to a presentation?

A.   Ctrl + N

B.   Ctrl + S

C.   Ctrl + F

D.   Ctrl + M

23: in a Microsoft Word 2016 document. which of the following is the correct procedure to divide a paragraph into three columns?

A.   Select the paragraph > Click the insert tab on the ribbon > Click on the Arrange option and select the option Three.

B.   Select the paragraph > Click the insert tab on the ribbon > Click on the Columns option and select the option Three.

C.   Select the paragraph > Click the Layout tab on the ribbon > Click on the Arrange option and select the option Three.

D.   Select the paragraph > Click the Layout tab on the ribbon > Click on the Columns option and select the option Three.




D.   Do Not COPY


Suppose that you have typed a paragraph as shown in f‌igure 1 of the given image. You have applied center alignment to the paragraph and the resultant paragraph is shown in f‌igure 2 of the given image.

Which of the following is the correct procedure to apply center alignment to the paragraph?


Select the paragraph and press Ctrl + C.


Select the paragraph and press Shift + C.


Selectthe paragraph and press Shift + L.


Select the paragraph and press Ctrl + E

26: While working in Microsoft Excel 2016. for which of the following options. if included in a worksheet. we cannot use the Track Changes option?

A.   Comment

B.   Table

C.   Chart

D.   Picture

27: In Microsoft PowerPoint 2016. which of the following statements is incorrect about deleting cropped areas of a picture?

A.   After you crop parts of a picture. the cropped parts will no longer be a part of the picture file.

B.   After you delete cropped parts. your changes cannot be undone if you have saved and closed the file.

C.   If you delete cropped parts and change your mind. you can click the Undo button to restore the cropped parts.

D.   Even after you crop parts of a picture. the cropped parts remain a part of the picture file.


In Microsoft Excel 2016. which of the following options used for displaying or hiding formulas changers) the state of a cell?

i) Prevent formulas from displaying in the formula bar by protecting the cells that contain them.

ii) Switch between displaying formulas and formula results on a worksheet.

iii) Show hidden formulas by removing the protection from cells.


 Only option i).  


Only options ii) and iii]. 


Only options i) and iii). 


 All options i)  .ii)  and iii).

29: By default. how many worksheets are there in a new Microsoft Excel 2016 workbook?

A.   One

B.   Two

C.   Three

D.   Five


With reference to Microsoft Word 2016. which of the following types of chart is shown in the given image?


Surface char


Histogram chart 


Area chart 


None of the above

31: In Microsoft PowerPoint 2016, whicxh of the following keyboard shortcuts is used to add a new slide to a presentation?

A.   Ctrl + N

B.   Ctrl + S

C.   Ctrl + F

D.   Ctrl + M

32: Which of the following keyboard shortcuts is used to apply subscript formatting?

A.   Ctrl+Equal sign (=)

B.   Ctrl+Shift+Plus sign (+)

C.   Ctrl+Shift+Minus sign (-)

D.   Ctrl+Minus sign (-)

33: While changing the resolution of a picture in Microsoft PowerPoint 2016, which of the following is NOT included in the Adjust group under the Format tab?

A.   Color

B.   Corrections

C.   Shapes

D.   Artistic Effects

34: In Microsoft PowerPoint 2016, if you want to remove a picture watermark that was applied as a background, then which of the following sets of steps will you choose?

A.   Slide Master > Background Styles > Format Background

B.   Slide Master > Master Layout > Format Background

C.   Slide Master > Background Styles > Delete

D.   Slide Master > Background Styles > Remove Watermarks

35: With respect to Microsoft PowerPoint 2016, which of the following statements is incorrect about the Animations pane?

A.   In the Animations pane, you can rearrange or remove animations in the Play From option.

B.   In the Animations pane, you can add speaker notes to a slide.

C.   In the Animations pane, you can modify how the animation works, or include a sound in Effect Options.

D.   In the Animations pane, you can modify how the animation starts and how long it lasts in Timing.

36: By default, all cell references in Microsoft Excel 2016 are:

A.   relative

B.   absolute

C.   none of the above.

37: How can we define a name to a cell in a Microsoft Excel 2016 Worksheet?

A.   Right-click on the cell and click on "Define Name".

B.   Click on the "Formulas" tab and click on "Define Name" under the "Define Names" group.

C.   Click on the "Home" tab and click on "Format" under the "Cells" group.

D.   Click on the "Home" tab and click on "Define Name" under the "Define Names" group.

38: Which of the following statements is/are correct about working with slides in a Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 presentation?

A.   You can add, rearrange and delete slides.

B.   You can organize slides into sections.

C.   You can change the size of slides.

D.   All of the above.

39: Which of the following keyboard shortcuts is used to open the Macros dialog box in Microsoft Word 2016?

A.   ALT + F6

B.   ALT + F7

C.   ALT + F8

D.   ALT + F9

40: In Microsoft PowerPoint 2016, when you are applying animations to objects, in which of the following panes can you give each object a distinct name to make it easier to work with them?

A.   Animation pane

B.   Notes pane

C.   Comments pane

D.   Selection pane

41: In Microsoft Excel 2016, which of the following options is used for limiting or restricting the cell entries to a certain data type?

A.   Manage Data Model

B.   Filter

C.   Advanced

D.   Data Validation

42: In Microsoft Word 2016, which of the following options is NOT a valid setting for Page Border?

A.   Shadow

B.   Line

C.   3-D

D.   Box


Suppose that you have copied data from an Excel worksheet and want to paste it in your PowerPoint 2016 presentation. While pasting data to your presentation from thePasteoption under theHometab, which of the following options will you choose in order to copy the data as information that can be edited in Excel later?




Keep Text Only




Keep Source Formatting

44: While working in a Microsoft Word 2016 document, which of the following tabs on the ribbon is used to display the Navigationpane?

A.   Home

B.   Insert

C.   Review

D.   View

45: In Microsoft PowerPoint 2016, which of the following is NOT a part of Emphasis Animations under the Animations tab?

A.   Lighten

B.   Pulse

C.   Bounce

D.   Teeter


Suppose that you have downloaded a new font from the web for your Microsoft Word 2016 document. If you want to open this document on another computer that doesn









47: Which of the following is NOT an animation effect?

A.   Swivel

B.   Bounce

C.   Dissolve

D.   Zoom

48: With respect to PowerPoint 2016, which of the following statements is correct?

A.   You can only apply one animation to a single object.

B.   You cannot apply animations to an object.

C.   You can apply more than one animation to a single object.

D.   You can only apply animations if it is more than a single object.


Rony has written a research paper in a Word document and wants to share it with his friend for review. Rony has turned on Track Changes in the document and wants to use a password to prevent his friend from turning off Track Changes. Which of the following options is the correct procedure to apply a password?


Go to theHometab > Click on theTrack Changesoption under theEditinggroup > Click on theSet Passwordoption.


Go to theFiletab > Click onOptions> Click on theAdvancedoption in theWord Optionsdialog box > Click onTrack Changes> Click onLock Tracking.  


Go to theReview tab> Click on theTrack Changesoption > Click onLock Tracking. 


Go to theReviewtab > Click onSecurity> Click on theTrack Changesoption > Click on theLock Track Changesoption.


Password to Track Changes cannot be set in Microsoft Word 2016. 

50: While working with a Microsoft Word 2016 document, in which of the following views, gridlines in the background of the document can be seen?

A.   Web layout view

B.   Print layout view

C.   Outline view

D.   None of the above

51: While inserting PDF file contents as a picture into your PowerPoint 2016 presentation, which of the following options is the correct set of steps for screen clipping?

A.   Open the PDF file > Go to your PowerPoint presentation > Click on theHometab > Click on theScreenshotoption > Click on theScreen Clippingoption

B.   Open the PDF file > Go to your PowerPoint presentation > Click on theInserttab > Click on theScreenshotoption > Click on theScreen Clippingoption

C.   Open the PDF file > Go to your PowerPoint presentation > Click on theInserttab > Click on thePictureoption > Click on theScreen Clippingoption

D.   Open the PDF file > Go to your PowerPoint presentation > Click on theTransitionstab > Click on theScreenshotoption > Click on theScreen Clippingoption

52: In a Microsoft Word 2016 document, which of the following is the correct procedure to divide a paragraph into three columns?

A.   Select the paragraph > Click theInsert tab on the ribbon > Click on the Arrangeoption and select the option Three.

B.   Select the paragraph > Click theInsert tab on the ribbon > Click on the Columnsoption and select the option Three.

C.   Select the paragraph > Click theLayout tab on the ribbon > Click on the Arrangeoption and select the option Three.

D.   Select the paragraph > Click theLayout tab on the ribbon > Click on the Columnsoption and select the option Three.

53: If the word "Permit" is typed in a Word document with the cursor between the letters

A.   Perm

B.   Permi

C.   Permt

D.   Permit

E.   None of the above





55: Which of the following statements is correct about subtotal and total fields in a Microsoft Excel 2016 PivotTable report?

A.   If a calculated item is contained by a field, then the subtotal summary function cannot be changed.

B.   Sum, count and average functions can be used as a subtotal.

C.   Var and Varp functions cannot be used as a subtotal.

D.   None of the above.

56: In Microsoft Word 2016, which of the following types of circle represent(s) the top of the hierarchy in a Sunburst chart?

A.   Outermost circle

B.   Innermost circle

C.   Both a and b

D.   Neither a nor b

57: Which of the following functional keys is used for spelling and grammar check in a Microsoft Word 2016 document?

A.   F2

B.   F5

C.   F7

D.   F9

58: Suppose that you have selected some text in a Microsoft Word 2016 document and you want to strikethrough that selected text, then which of the following keyboard shortcuts will you use?

A.   Ctrl + Shift + S

B.   Ctrl + Shift + T

C.   Shift + S

D.   None of the above

59: In Microsoft Excel 2016, which of the following options is NOT available under "What-If Analysis"?

A.   Scenario Manager

B.   Goal Seek

C.   Consolidate

D.   Data Table

60: In Microsoft Excel 2016, which of the following keyboard shortcuts should be pressed to switch between relative and absolute cell references while writing a formula in a worksheet?

A.   F1

B.   Ctrl+6

C.   F4

D.   Ctrl+2


In Microsoft Excel 2016, when do we receive a "#Value!" error in the VLOOKUP function?

i) When the "lookup_value" argument is more than 255 characters.

ii) When the "col_index_num" argument contains text.

iii) When the "col_index_num" argument is equal to 0.


Only option i) is correct. 


Only options i) and ii) are correct.


Only options ii) and iii) are correct.


All options i), ii) and iii) are correct. 

62: In Microsoft Word 2016, which of the following types of chart do NOT have axes?

A.   Stock

B.   Pie

C.   Sunburst

D.   Histogram

63: In Microsoft Excel 2016, what is the correct function of the Format Painter option?

A.   To edit font

B.   To insert functions.

C.   To copy and paste the formatting of one cell to another in a Worksheet.

D.   To sort and filter data.

64: In Microsoft PowerPoint 2016, which of the following statements is incorrect about templates?

A.   You can set your personal template as the default template so that it is ready to use every time you open PowerPoint.

B.   You cannot set your personal template as the default template in PowerPoint

C.   You can use every template included in PowerPoint.

D.   You can personalize templates in PowerPoint.

65: In Microsoft PowerPoint 2016, if you want to look for grammar options under the Smart Lookup dialog box, which of the following options will you choose?

A.   Define

B.   Grammar

C.   Lookup

D.   Explore

66: The IT security department of Mark''s organization has decided that only digitally signed macros will be allowed in Microsoft Excel 2016. Which of the following is the correct way to restrict the unsigned macros?

A.   Go to theFiletab -> ClickInfo-> ClickExcel Options-> ClickSecurity-> Select Allow digitally signed macros only

B.   Go to theFiletab -> ClickInfo-> ClickExcel Options-> ClickSecurity-> SelectDisable All macros except digitally signed macros

C.   Go to theFiletab -> ClickOptions-> ClickTrust Centerunder theExcel Optionsdialog box-> ClickTrust Center Settings-> ClickMacro Settings-> SelectDisable All macros except digitally signed macros

D.   Go to theFiletab -> ClickOptions-> ClickTrust Centerunder theExcel Optionsdialog box -> ClickMacros-> SelectDisable All macros except digitally signed macros

67: In Microsoft PowerPoint 2016, which of the following keys can be used to pause the slide show delivery?

A.   A

B.   S

C.   P

D.   L

68: Question: Suppose that you have inserted a few images into a Microsoft Word 2016 document. From which of the following views under the View tab will you be NOT able to edit those images?

A.   Print Layout

B.   Web Layout

C.   Outline

D.   Draft

69: Which of the following keyboard shortcuts will you press to run the Spell Checker?

A.   F9

B.   F8

C.   F7

D.   F6

70: Which of the following options is used to set up a presentation to play at a certain speed by saving appropriate time for each slide and animation?

A.   Set Up Slide Show

B.   Slide Timing

C.   Record Slide show

D.   Rehearse Timings

71: A Pareto chart belongs to which of the following chart types in Microsoft Word 2016?

A.   Sunburst charts

B.   Waterfall charts

C.   Surface charts

D.   Histogram charts

72: In Microsoft Excel 2016, the =TODAY()command returns:

A.   the current day name

B.   the date when the Excel file was created.

C.   the current day and date.

D.   the current date.


Consider the Excel sheet given in the image. What will be the output if you type the formula, =COUNTA(A1:B8), in cell B9?










Which of the following options can be used for checking the protection status of a file in Microsoft Excel 2016?


Click on theReviewtab > SelectNew> Click onProtect Workbook   


Click on theFiletab > SelectOptions> Click onProtect Workbook 


Click on theFiletab > SelectInfo> Click onProtect Workbook 


Click on theReviewtab > SelectAccount> Click onProtect Workbook


In Microsoft Excel 2016, which of the following options used for displaying or hiding formulas change(s) the state of a cell?

i) Prevent formulas from displaying in the formula bar by protecting the cells that contain them.

ii) Switch between displaying formulas and formula results on a worksheet.

iii) Show hidden formulas by removing the protection from cells.


Only option i).


Only options ii) and iii). 


Only options i) and iii).


All options i), ii) and iii).  

76: In Microsoft Excel 2016, which of the following tabs will you click for accessing the View Macrosoption?

A.   Developer

B.   Review

C.   View

D.   Home

77: While using cell references with multiple worksheets in Microsoft Excel 2016, which of the following options is the correct absolute cell reference that must be used for cell B2 on a sheet named 'Sheet5'?

A.   $Sheet5$B2

B.   $Sheet5.B2

C.   Sheet5!B2

D.   $Sheet5!B2

78: Which of the following tabs should you select to make choices about how and when a video plays, if you have inserted or linked to a video on a video-sharing social media platform such as YouTube?

A.   Playback tab

B.   PlayOn tab

C.   Play Full Screen tab

D.   Video tab

79: By default, how many worksheets are there in a new Microsoft Excel 2016 workbook?

A.   One

B.   Two

C.   Three

D.   Five


The coach of the national cricket team wants to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the team players. He has selected 4 major areas to analyze: fitness, flexibility, attitude and punctuality. Which of the following chart types will be most suitable in this situation?


Line chart  


Surface chart


Radar chart


Waterfall chart

81: Which of the following is/are the correct method(s) of consolidating data in Microsoft Excel 2016?

A.   Consolidation by position.

B.   Consolidation by category.

C.   Consolidation by data type.

D.   None of the above.


John wants to use a SmartArt graphic to create a chart for his organization. He wants to show the reporting relationships of his organization, such as managers of the departments and non-management employees. Which of the following SmartArt graphic types will be the most suitable for him to use?









83: Which of the following keyboard shortcuts is used to redo the last performed action in a Microsoft Word 2016 document?

A.   Ctrl + U

B.   Ctrl + R

C.   Ctrl + Y

D.   Ctrl + A

84: Which of the following can be used to avoid users to make changes to a worksheet in Microsoft Excel 2016?

A.   By providing Read Only access.

B.   By password protecting a Workbook.

C.   Restricting permissions by Information Rights Management (IRM).

D.   All of the above.

85: Maria inserts a table with three rows and three columns into a Microsoft Word 2016 document. Now she wants to delete that table from the document. Which of the following is/are the correct procedure(s) to do this?

A.   Place the cursor inside any cell of the table and press the Delete key.

B.   Right-click on the table move handle and select Delete Table.

C.   Select the whole table by right-clicking on the table move handle and press Delete key.

D.   Select the whole table by right-clicking on the table move handle and press Ctrl+Delete keys.


In Microsoft Excel 2016, what will happen when we click on the marked triangle as shown in the given image?


It will select cell A1.


It will select the complete Worksheet.


It will select all the Worksheets available in a Workbook.


It will add a Worksheet to the file.   

87: While formatting a text, which of the following options will you choose for applying a reflection, shadow, bevel, glow, transform or a 3-D rotation?

A.   Shape Fill

B.   Text Effects

C.   Text Outline

D.   Text Fill

88: In Microsoft PowerPoint 2016, which of the following keyboard shortcuts is used to switch between Normal view and Outline view?

A.   Ctrl+Alt+Space

B.   Ctrl+Shift+Tab

C.   Shift+Backspace

D.   Ctrl+Alt+T

89: In Microsoft PowerPoint 2016, which of the following view types should be used to show all the slides in a presentation on one screen?

A.   Outline view

B.   Normal view

C.   Slide Sorter view

D.   Notes Page view

90: Which of the following options can be copied using the format painter in Microsoft Excel 2016?

A.   Alignment

B.   Background color

C.   Cell text

D.   None of the above

91: In a Microsoft Word 2016 document, which of the following functions are performed by footnotes and endnotes?

A.   They are used to add page numbers at the bottom of the pages.

B.   They are used to add html links in a document, in order to link the document with a web page.

C.   They are used to explain, comment on or provide references to the text mentioned in a document.

D.   All of the above.

92: While working in Microsoft Excel 2016, for which of the following options, if included in a worksheet, we cannot use theTrack Changesoption?

A.   Comment

B.   Table

C.   Chart

D.   Picture

93: In a Microsoft Word 2016 document, what is the maximum number of columns that can be added to a selected paragraph?

A.   3

B.   4

C.   10

D.   12

E.   15

94: What is the keyboard shortcut for toggling between cases (uppercase/lowercase/sentence case)?

A.   Shift+T

B.   Alt+F2

C.   Ctrl+F1

D.   Shift+F3

95: In Excel 2016, which of the following options is the correct procedure that is used for converting a table to a regular range?

A.   Click anywhere on the table -> Click on theDesignoption underTable Tools-> Click on theConvert to Rangeoption under theToolsgroup.

B.   Right-click on the table -> Click on theTableoption -> Select theConvert to Rangeoption.

C.   Click anywhere on the table -> Click on theDeveloperoption underTable Tools-> Click on theConvert to Rangeoption under theToolsgroup.

D.   Right-click on the table -> Click on theFilteroption -> Select theConvert to Rangeoption.

96: In Microsoft PowerPoint 2016, which of the following statements is incorrect about deleting cropped areas of a picture?

A.   After you crop parts of a picture, the cropped parts will no longer be a part of the picture file

B.   After you delete cropped parts, your changes cannot be undone if you have saved and closed the file.

C.   If you delete cropped parts and change your mind, you can click the Undo button to restore the cropped parts.

D.   Even after you crop parts of a picture, the cropped parts remain a part of the picture file.

97: In Microsoft Word 2016, which of the following tabs can be used to record a macro?

A.   Insert

B.   Review

C.   Layout

D.   View


Samantha is using SmartArt graphics to represent the performance of her team members. She wants to show the best performers on the top and narrowing down. Which of the following SmartArt types will be the most suitable option to do this?










When you create a document in Microsoft Word 2016, certain personal information is added to the file, e.g. information about the author of the document. If you want to share the document with others but do not want to share that personal information, then which of the following options will you choose to remove that information from the file?


Check Accessibility 


Check Compatibility


Document Inspector


None of the above

100: In Microsoft Excel 2016, which of the following is the correct syntax of the VLOOKUP command?

A.   =VLOOKUP (value, table, col_index, [range_lookup])

B.   =VLOOKUP (col_index, [range_lookup])

C.   =VLOOKUP (table, [range_lookup]), value, col_index)

D.   =VLKUP (value, col_index, table, [range_lookup])