Answer these 200+ Product Design and Development MCQs and see how sharp is your knowledge of Product Design and Development.
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A. Class
B. Structure
C. Organization
D. Team
A. Scientific approach
B. Rigorous approach
C. Effective approach
D. Rigid methodology
E. Flawed approach
A. Crystal Method
B. Rapid application development
C. Waterfall
D. Scrum
A. Stages
B. Phases
C. Development Stages
D. Milestones
A. Critical
B. Agile
C. Traditional
D. Waterfall
E. Rational Unified Process
A. Being concise, effective, and easily producible
B. Being adaptive, responsive, iterative, incremental, cross-functional
C. Being committed to the principle of
D. Being customer-centric, focusing on quality, responding quickly
A. Experimental Design
B. User Research
C. Design Thinking
D. Feature Development
E. Lean Startup
A. Kanban
B. Continuous Delivery
C. Agile
D. Lean
A. This term is abused by employees
B. This term is abused by management
C. Lean is a methodology that is only effective for large companies
D. This term is abused in the product world
A. Developing a plan
B. Making specific choices
C. Making deductions
D. Thinking ahead
E. Determining the best course of action
A. The CEO
B. The Executive Committee
C. The Marketing Team
D. The CFO
E. The Product Development Team
A. To get people to buy a product
B. To persuade people to buy a product
C. To create a need and then provide the solution
D. To understand the market and customers
E. To create a need and fill it
A. Sales
B. Marketing
C. Research and Development
A. Conducting customer surveys
B. Identifying new technology, performance, or value
C. Designing new products
D. Planning and executing product launches
E. Conducting market research
A. The entrepreneurs
B. The MBAs
C. The bean counters
D. The managers
E. The nerds
A. The support staff
B. The science team
C. The administrative staff
D. The technical team
E. The math team
A. Manufacturing friendly
B. Studying manufacturing processes
C. Reducing cycle time
D. Planning for manufacturability
E. Planning for manufacturing
A. Device Fault Management
B. Dynamic Finite Element Method
C. Data Flow Model
D. Design for Manufacturing
E. Dynamic Frequency Management
A. Architects
B. CAD team or CAD specialist
C. Engineers
D. Engineers or Architects
E. Customers or End Users
A. Product Design
B. Graphic Design
C. Industrial Arts
A. Graphic Design
B. Interior design
C. Industrial Production
D. Engineering
E. Fashion design
A. Product
B. Process
C. Market
D. Customer
E. Pricing
A. Operations
B. Production
C. Marketing
D. Product Delivery
A. The Lean Startup
B. The Bible
C. The $100 Startup
D. The Brand Gap
E. The Personal MBA
A. New product value
B. Reduced costs
C. Increased efficiency
D. New customer value
E. New process value
A. Customer service
B. Innovation
C. Replacement
D. Sales
E. Retention
A. Technology
B. Science
C. Business
A. The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry
B. The use of advanced tools and techniques in the production of goods
C. The use of modern machines and equipment
D. The use of new methods of communication
E. The application of new methods and approaches to solving problems
A. Facts, insights and conclusions
B. To develop new methods
C. To develop new knowledge
D. To contribute to society
E. To help people
A. Environmental Research
B. Clinical Research
C. Experimental Research
D. Applied Research
E. Fundamental Research
A. Fulfilling government requirements
B. Developing new methods
C. Solving a real-world problem
A. Quantitative Research
B. Experimental Research
C. Applied Research
D. Survey Research
A. Pre-release
B. Prototype
C. Release Candidate
D. Alpha
E. Pre-production
A. A metal disk with a design on it
B. A model or example of a proposed solution
C. An incomplete or unrefined preliminary version of the final product
D. A computer program designed to simplify the creation of interactive objects
E. A metal sculpture that is not yet finished
A. Unit of economic value
B. Service
C. Commodity
A. Child
B. Self-contained
C. Assembly
D. Service
A. Product
B. Money
C. Service
A. Fundamentally New Product
B. Pre-Release Product
C. Next Generation Product
D. Innovative Product
E. Breakthrough Product
A. Post-Product
B. Pre-Product
C. Fundamental
D. Venture
E. Pre-production
A. Markets or components
B. Manufacturing processes or components
C. Designs or components
D. Technologies or components
A. Revolutionary Product
B. Retrofit Product
C. Incremental Product
D. Feature Extension
E. Incremental Improvement
A. Mustang
B. Kia Rio
C. Smart Fortwo
D. Camaro
E. Prius
A. A new product which falls into an existing Product Platform
B. A new product which falls into a completely different Product Platform
C. A new product which is unique to a company
D. A new product which has been developed specifically for a certain market
E. A new product that combines features of existing products
A. Hybrid Vehicle
B. Car
C. Derivative Product
D. Automobile
E. Electric Vehicle
A. Toilet paper
B. Bike
C. IPhone case
D. Car cleaner
E. Towel
A. Diversity of life forms
B. Diversity
C. Habitat
D. Some relationship to one another
E. Symbiosis
A. Credits
B. Technical support
C. Compatibility with other hardware and software
D. Warranties, service, etc
A. Accessories
B. Software
C. Contracts
D. Physical products
E. Warranties
A. Connections
B. Unique items
C. Moods
D. Experiences
E. Personalized experiences
A. Services
B. Products
C. Money
A. Mario Andretti
B. Peter Drucker
C. George Soros
D. Michael Porter
E. Kenneth French
A. Format
B. Structure
C. Strategy
D. Positioning
A. Unique selling proposition
B. Sustainable competitive advantage
C. Unique value proposition
D. Sustainable advantage
A. The Catcher in the Rye
B. The Communist Manifesto
C. 10lb
D. The Outsiders
E. Atlas Shrugged
B. 5 Forces
C. Competition Analysis Framework
E. Market Segmentation Framework
A. Michael Porter
B. Geoffrey Moore
C. Jim Collins
D. Gary Hamel
E. James F. Lawler III
A. Leadership
B. Process
C. Structure
D. Strategy
A. Resources
B. Trade-offs
C. Time
D. Focusing
E. Flexibility
A. Advertising Strategy
B. Marketing Strategy
C. Public Relations
D. Sales Strategy
E. Advertising
A. Product placement promotion and pricing
B. The production and distribution of the product
C. Public relations
D. Personal selling
A. Catherine P. Brehm
B. Harvard Business Review
C. Peter Drucker
D. Michael Porter
E. Michael E. Porter
A. How well you do a particular activity
B. Effectiveness in executing a plan
C. Making sure everyone knows what is expected of them
D. How much money you make
E. How efficiently you use your resources
A. Jim Collins ’
B. Michael Porter ’s
C. Clayton Christensen ’s
A. Financial Performance, Business Strategy, Competitors
B. Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
C. Opportunity, Threat, Strength
D. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
E. Customer Needs, Competitive Strengths, Threats
A. Mergers and Acquisitions
B. Research and Development
C. Strategic Pipeline Management
D. Conducting research and development
E. Developing new products
A. F.O.R.M
B. P.E.S.T.L.E.
C. The Model of Markets and Industries
D. The Structure of Industry
E. P.A.R.E
A. Provincial Education Steering committee
B. Physical Exercise Safe Teaching Leaders Environment
C. A food supplement that claims to improve alertness and focus
D. Another framework for analyzing markets and industries: Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental
E. A pro-life organization
A. Built To Last
B. Smart People Move To San Francisco
C. The 5 Second Rule
D. The Goalkeeper's Fear
E. The E-Myth Revisited
A. Processes that a firm uses to produce its products
B. Organization of resources used by a firm
C. Number of stages in the value chain
D. Number of steps in the value chain
E. Set of activities that a firm performs
A. Winning at New Products
B. Strategy for Business Revolution
C. The 4 P's of Marketing
D. The Outsiders
E. Creativity, Inc.
A. Environment
B. Nature
C. Position
D. Case
A. The ability to do a task well
B. A specific ability, strength, or strategic advantage of a company
C. The ability to work cooperatively with others
D. A company's overall strategy
E. The ability to think quickly and solve problems
A. Increased brand recognition
B. A specific ability, strength, or strategic advantage
C. A competitive edge in the market
D. More customers
E. More efficient operations
A. The Catcher in the Rye
B. The Bell Jar
C. Good to Great
D. One Hundred Years of Solitude
A. Tiger
B. Hedgehog
C. Eagles
D. Lion
E. Lions
A. Corporate Strategy
B. Financial Plan
C. Product Plan
D. Direction
E. Business Plan
A. Marketing goals
B. Services
C. Products
D. Pricing
E. Sales goals
A. Product Family Planning
B. Product Line Planning
C. Generic Platform Planning
D. Platform Strategy Planning
E. Product Platform Planning
A. System design
B. Communication plan
C. A communication strategy
D. Shared technology or production methods
E. A marketing technique
A. Business analysis, market research, customer needs, and risks
B. Analysis of the product or service
C. Business analysis, market research, feasibility study, and risks
D. Analysis of the customer, competition, and the market
E. Financial analysis, market research, costs, timelines, risks, and financial projections
A. Dual-track Development
B. Single-track Development
C. Independent Development
D. Joint-track Development
A. Strategic Planning
B. New Product Development
C. Continuous Discovery
D. Innovation
A. Having a continual "always on" process
B. Offering new and innovative products
C. Being open to new ideas
D. Applying the latest in technology
E. Constantly developing their App Store
A. Rhythm
B. Accent
C. Patter
D. Metronome
E. Cadence
A. The rate at which something happens
B. The speed at which something moves
C. The length of time between beats in a rhythm
D. Rhythm with which something is developed
E. The number of times a cycle is repeated
A. Doing Projects Right
B. Doing Everything at Once
C. Executing Projects Right
D. Doing Small Projects First
E. Planning Projects Right
A. Accounting
B. Project management
C. Product planning
D. Engineering
E. Software development
A. Supply
B. Neither
C. Price
D. None
E. Market
A. Some
B. Few
C. All
D. None
A. Anything describing the state of the market into which the product is launching
B. The state of the economy
C. A company's ability to meet demand
D. A situation in which buyers and sellers are not agreeing on the price of a product
E. A situation in which buyers are more numerous than sellers
A. Group
B. Class
C. Segment
D. Category
A. $10k/yr
B. $25k/yr
C. $50k/yr
D. $100k/yr
A. A list of job titles
B. All US states
C. Users age 40–45 with an income over $100k/yr; "a large, identifiable group within a market"
D. Cross section of all US states
A. Studying the behavior of a particular population in order to improve public policy
B. Predicting future trends in a population
C. Quantifiable data about a particular a particular population of people
D. Determining what marketing efforts are most effective for a particular population
A. Ethnicity, religion, etc
B. Education level, occupation
C. Religions practiced
D. Languages spoken
E. Ages, income, etc
A. The study of people’s mental abilities
B. The study of people’s physical abilities
C. The study of people’s attitudes, interests, and opinions
D. The study of people’s abilities and skills
E. The study of people’s emotions
A. Purchasing behavior
B. Length of visits
C. Frequency of visits
D. Satisfaction with the product
E. Their past experiences with the company
A. Purchasing behavior, preference
B. Overall experience
C. Loyalty, propensity to return
D. Satisfaction with service, satisfaction
E. Satisfaction with the service
A. Ethnography
B. Sociology
C. Anthropology
D. Comparative literature
A. The study of language
B. The study of art
C. The study of people and cultures
D. The study of nature
E. The study of natural phenomena