Answer these 100+ Editing/Copy Editing MCQs and assess your grip on the subject of Editing/Copy Editing.
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A. Look at that plane over there!
B. They're plane is over their!
C. Look at that plane over their!
D. Look at that plane over they're!
A. The cats have large ears.
B. The cats ears are large.
C. The cat has large ears.
D. The cats' ears are large.
E. The cat's ears are large.
A. Your time and money investment are made smaller by our services.
B. Our service is enabled by reducing your time and money investment.
C. Today, our services are designed by people who want to save you time and money.
D. Our services save you time and money.
A. Gina and Marco are going on their honeymon.
B. Gina and Marco are going on their honeymoon.
C. Gina and Marco are going on they're honeymoon.
D. Gina and Marco are going on there honeymoon.
A. principal
B. principle
A. metanyms
B. opponyms
C. antonyms
D. synonyms
A. There not good at evaluating their customers.
B. They're not good at evaluating their customers.
C. They're not good at evaluating there customers.
D. Their not good at evaluating they're customers.
A. I was born in Shanghai, China, but grew up in the United States.
B. I was born in shanghai, china, but grew up in the United States.
C. I was born in shanghai, China, but grew up in the United States.
D. I was born in Shanghai, China, but grew up in the united states.
A. There are too fingers pointing on me.
B. He doesn't want too.
C. He's too good to be true.
A. until the world ends.
B. untill the world ends.
A. palate
B. palette
C. pallet
A. to
B. of
C. for
D. about
A. A honest mistake
B. An honest mistake
A. My deer dear is very deer.
B. My dear deer is very dear.
C. My deer dear is very dear.
D. My dear deer is very deer.
A. instead
B. likewise
C. otherwise
D. however
A. at
B. to
C. in
D. on
A. Your the one who doesn't know the difference between "your" and "you're."
B. You're fly is down.
C. Your really pretty.
D. You're the one who doesn't know the difference between "your" and "you're."
A. yor
B. you're
C. yur
D. your
A. of
B. best
C. at
D. for
A. Check in a dictionary.
B. Ignore the word.
C. Put in what sounds best.
A. have been
B. will been
C. will
D. will be
E. has already been
A. My sister said too me, "I have two cards, to."
B. There were two kinds of pie, so I ate to much on Thanksgiving.
C. Two birds flew to Timbuktu, and they went to Miami, too.
A. The two of us are going to the movies and want you to come too.
B. The two of us are going to the movies and want you to come to.
C. The 2 of us are going to the movies and want you to come two.
D. The too of us are going to the movies and want you to come to.
A. at
B. for
C. on
D. in
A. Their!
B. They're!
C. There!
A. I can't wait too go to the mall.
B. I can't wait to go to the mall.
C. I want too go to the mall two.
D. I'm to exhausted to go to the mall.
A. They're soldiers don't have shoes.
B. These are there uniforms.
C. Their very emotional.
D. Put them over they're.
E. There are many prepared questions.
A. The nhl season starts in october.
B. The NHL season starts in October.
C. The NHL season starts in october.
D. The nhl season starts in October.
A. I can't except this kind of behavior.
B. Everyone was accounted for except Nancy.
C. Dan and I will except the invitation.
D. Tom will except the award for Dan.
A. to make up
B. made up
C. which they made up
D. and made up
A. affected
B. effected
A. The utensils were in the drawer, but the spachola was left on the counter.
B. Turn the eggs once with a spatuola.
C. John turned the pancakes over with a spatula.
A. There is a copy of the Bible in each Motel Room.
B. There is a copy of the bible in each motel room.
C. There is a copy of the Bible in each motel room.
A. I would have been preparing for a conference.
B. I am preparing for a conference.
C. I will preparing for a conference.
D. I will be preparing for a conference.
E. I have been preparing for a conference.
A. Doesn’t
B. Do
C. Don’t
D. Does
A. Could of
B. Could have
C. Could've
A. Clean your room!
B. You should call them.
C. I will go!
D. There is a problem.
A. A question addressed to the author or editor
B. A rhetorical question addressed to the reader
C. An upside-down question mark, as in Spanish
D. A character who asks a lot of questions
A. color
B. recognize
C. honour
D. center
A. independent
B. vacume
C. museum
D. restaurant
A. Lieutenent Dan
B. Colonel Mustard
C. Genaral Disarray
D. Captin Crunch
A. He could've succeeded with a little more effort.
B. We should have gone in there car.
C. You might of crashed, the way you were driving.
D. We would of arrived on time if you hadn't spent so much time getting ready.
A. "to" should be "too"
B. "lose" should be "loose"
C. "loose" should be "lose"
D. "your" should be "you're"
E. "are" should be "our"
A. The tortoise was victorious over the hair.
B. The hair lost the race.
C. The tortoise won the hare.
D. The tortoise triumphed over the hare.
E. The hare was the looser of the race.
A. triple dot
B. anaphora
C. three periods
D. dieresis
E. ellipsis
A. Her and I
B. Him and I
C. He and me
D. He and I
E. She and me
A. successful
B. successfull
C. sucessful
D. succesful
A. Your effection for me is overwheming.
B. How will this affect me?
C. The affects of the pill are very strong.
D. I didn't know how strongly my actions would effect others.
A. would
B. should
C. could
D. have
A. Another name for a "comma splice."
B. A system of punctuation used only in academic writing.
C. A comma that only the British use.
D. A comma placed before the word "and" at the end of a list.
A. accumodate
B. accomodate
C. accommodate
D. acommodate
A. The dogs' collars were fastened properly.
B. The dog's collar's were fastened properly.
C. The dogs collars were fastened properly.
D. The dog's collars' were fastened properly.
A. It's not a good night for this to happen. Its so snowy!
B. Its not my fault we got stuck! It's motor just died.
C. It's not my fault we got stuck! Its motor just died.
D. Its not a good night for this to happen. It's so snowy!
A. Due to the rain, the picnic was cancelled.
B. The increase in sales is due to the ongoing promotions.
C. The picnic was cancelled because of the rain.
D. The increase in sales is because of the ongoing promotions.
A. Let's go foreword on our mission.
B. My forefinger is sore.
C. I can only count to for.
D. Who is forth in line?
A. He complemented her on her hair.
B. Her red shirt complemented her brunette hair.
C. The group complemented the cook on the turkey dinner.
A. hyphen
B. pound sign
C. ellipsis
D. em dash
E. en dash
A. twelfth
B. twelevefth
C. twelfh
D. twelveth
A. acomodate
B. acommodate
C. accommodate
D. accomodate
A. voilà
B. voilá
C. wa-la
D. viola
E. woilà
A. Bad light affected both players' ability to see the ball.
B. Bad light effected both player's ability to see the ball.
C. Bad light effected both players ability to see the ball.
D. Bad light effected both players' ability to see the ball.
E. Bad light affected both player's ability to see the ball.
A. quarrell
B. gruesome
C. throughout
D. ferret
A. *
B. ^
C. <word>
D. (word)
A. fluorescent
B. floorescent
C. flouriscent
D. fluoresent
E. flourescent
A. lightning
B. eighth
C. undoubtedly
D. elegible
E. caffeine
A. The children's toys were kept in the toy box.
B. The childrens' toys were kept in the toy box.
C. The children's toy's were kept in the toy box.
D. The childrens' toy's were kept in the toy box.
A. it’s
B. their
C. its
D. there
A. False
B. True
A. Use a stencil.
B. Subtext.
C. Leave as is.
D. Straighten.
A. Mechanical editing -- reviewing and correcting spelling, grammar, punctuation, usage, and style
B. Text or cover design
C. Proofreading
D. Developmental or substantive editing -- rewriting and restructuring text in depth
E. Ghostwriting
A. querying the author when material seems to be missing or unclear
B. correcting errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and usage
C. typesetting page proofs
D. flagging potentially biased or outdated language
E. suggesting changes to align a text with house style
A. disinterested
B. uninterested
A. em dash, en dash, hyphen
B. em dash, hyphen, en dash
C. hyphen, em dash, en dash
D. hyphen, en dash, em dash
A. I have less vacation days than senior employees.
B. He delivered the message in fewer words and less time.
C. His speech was less lengthy than in previous years.
D. That solution would be less than ideal.
A. An infinitive
B. A prepositional phrase serving as an adverb
C. A prepositional phrase serving as an adjective
D. None of the above.
A. Declarative
B. Not a complete sentence
C. Imperative
D. Interrogative
A. 15 items or fewer
B. 15 items or less
A. widows and orphans
B. printer's devils
C. blind folios
D. guide words
E. running heads
A. foreward
B. forword
C. foreword
D. forward
A. a half title page
B. an epigraph
C. a preface
D. an index
A. stet
B. hr #
C. eq #
D. fl
E. wf
A. We need 5 more apples to make this pie.
B. There were 455 guests at the wedding.
C. She lives at 10 Oak Lane.
D. Only 2 percent of patients improved.
A. the use of online material in academic works
B. the use of unpublished archival material in fiction
C. the use of copyrighted material without obtaining permission
D. the use of unconventional grammar or style rules
A. i.e.
B. ibid.
C. e.g.
D. etc.
E. et. al.
A. President Lincoln greeted the visiting dignitaries.
B. Barack Obama was elected president in 2008.
C. That chair is for president Roosevelt.
D. He is the president of the debate club.
A. m
B. M.
C. m.
D. M
E. mm.
A. tortious
B. tortuous
C. torturous
D. tortoise
A. a person from Mexico
B. a person from Spain
C. a person from Brazil
A. A triple underline
B. A wavy underline
C. A double underline
D. A single underline
A. when it is larger than a thousand
B. when it's at the beginning of a sentence
C. when it indicates a year
D. when it is used in a scientific or technical context
A. He was a forty year-old circus clown.
B. The victim was a thirty-year-old man.
C. A five year old came running up the stairs.
D. The activity is intended for seven year olds.
E. She was sixteen-years old on that fateful day.
A. They ordered green tea and okonomiyaki.
B. The pottery was dated to circa 300 B.C.
C. The novel's main character is the Russian czarina.
D. We enjoyed an alfresco picnic.
A. Gone With the Wind
B. Mr. Smith goes to Washington
C. Singin' In The Rain
D. Some Like it Hot
E. All Quiet on the Western Front
A. All firemen should be treated like the heroes they are.
B. She's the best woman doctor you'll ever meet.
C. We'll be joined by a famous poetess.
D. It's increasingly common to see a lady lawyer in the courtroom.
E. The university offers a major in women's studies.
A. foreword
B. preface
A. the name of a painting
B. the name of a podcast episode
C. the name of a TV show
D. the name of an opera
E. the name of an epic poem
A. the title of a magazine article
B. the title of a page of a website
C. the title of an episode of a TV show
D. the title of a movie
A. c/sc
B. pe
C. wf
D. bb
E. ital
A. redundancy
B. pathetic fallacy
C. dangling modifier
D. misspelling
E. subject-verb agreement
A. abjure
B. adjure