Public Speaking MCQs

Public Speaking MCQs

These Public Speaking multiple-choice questions and their answers will help you strengthen your grip on the subject of Public Speaking. You can prepare for an upcoming exam or job interview with these Public Speaking MCQs.
So scroll down and start answering.

1: Which of these should you focus on before a speech?

A.   Pronunciation

B.   All of these

C.   Pace

D.   Inflection

2: When public speaking, what is the generally accepted number of points you should focus on?

A.   5

B.   3

C.   10

D.   1

3: It is always appropriate to use hand gestures while speaking

A.   False

B.   True

4: Which visual cue is critical to engaging your audience?

A.   Standing extremely far from your audience

B.   Standing or sitting upright, head up and confident

C.   Making glaring eye contact

D.   Clean, professional attire matching the same dress code as the client

5: True or false? With enough practice and experience, stage fright will disappear entirely.

A.   False

B.   True

6: Which is NOT important for effective communication with your audience?

A.   motivation

B.   memorization

C.   attention

D.   retention

7: If the microphone is malfunctioning, what should you do?

A.   Pause a moment only, then continue in a louder voice if at all possible.

B.   Stop and wait for a sound technician to fix it.

C.   Make a knowing remark to the audience.

D.   Begin shouting from where you left off.

8: True or False? When making a presentation, it's best to read the text on your slides so you don't get off track

A.   True

B.   False

9: True/False When you are reading a direct quote from a source, it's okay to break eye contact with your audience until you have completed reading them the quote.

A.   True

B.   False

10: Which of these should you avoid?

A.   Pacing across the stage

B.   Getting visibly relaxed and comfortable in front of your audience

C.   Backing up your points with stories

D.   Using as many words as possible when making your point to prove you know what you are talking about

11: Which of the following is best practice for memorization?

A.   Memorize everything, and bring a copy with you just in case.

B.   Look at the speech once or twice before delivering it in public.

C.   Adequately familiarize yourself with the speech, and refer to your copy as needed.

D.   It's more professional and less distracting to memorize everything and leave the printed copy elsewhere.

12: Who should be responsible of knowing how the equipment works?

A.   The audience

B.   You

C.   Technical support

D.   You and any technical support

13: True or False? You should stay put whilst you are making a speech.

A.   False

B.   True

14: The first step in structuring a speech should be

A.   determining your main points

B.   writing out the body of the speech

C.   arranging main point in the most effective order

D.   writing out the introduction

15: The topic of your speech should be:

A.   Of interest to you

B.   Something that bores you

C.   Of interest to the audience but not you

D.   Something that you have never spoken about

16: Who should you practice your speech with?

A.   Friends

B.   Family

C.   Anyone

D.   Strangers

17: When should you introduce props to the audience?

A.   Never use props

B.   All at once in the middle of the speech

C.   Throughout the speech, not all at once.

18: True or False? It is better to memorize your speech word for word.

A.   True

B.   False

19: Before a speech, you should:

A.   Drink milk to calm down

B.   Talk on a full stomach

C.   Wait a few minutes after being introduced

D.   Know the equipment you will be using

20: Which of these is optimal?

A.   A concise, clear speech delivered fairly quickly.

B.   A lengthy speech delivered at a relaxed pace.

C.   A fast, information-packed speech delivered fairly quickly.

D.   A concise, clear speech at a relaxed pace.

21: A chronological speech design ________.

A.   tells histories alone

B.   is only used in a legal setting

C.   moves from event to event

D.   uses space as a tool

A.   Reading every word of your presentation from your notes

B.   Writing/typing notes with very large font

C.   Writing down hints like "pause" or "change slide"

D.   Speaking slowly

23: When speaking publicly you should:

A.   Speak from the diaphragm to project your voice

B.   Always be serious; never tell a joke

C.   Read directly from your prepared remarks

D.   Speak quickly

E.   Speak quietly; the microphone will amplify your voice

24: Which of these are a main goal of the opening segment of your presentation?

A.   Break the audience's attention from their preoccupations

B.   All of these

C.   Give a hint as to the direction of your speech

D.   Give the audience a clear reason how they will benefit from listening to you

25: What should you do just before speaking publicly?

A.   Take a walk to center yourself and meditate.

B.   Take a shot - espresso or vodka.

C.   Stay hydrated, keep positive and excited, relax.

D.   Pretend there is nothing out of the ordinary; it's a walk in the park.

26: True or False? You should repeat what you said earlier in your speech as a closing to your speech.

A.   False

B.   True

27: True/False: If you are shy of direct eye contact, you can increase your confidence when speaking to someone by looking directly at the bridge of their nose (between the eyes), when you are speaking to them.

A.   True

B.   False

28: How should your posture be when public speaking?

A.   Whatever is most comfortable

B.   Slouchy

C.   Leaning on something for support

D.   Tall and strong

29: To fight anxiety during a speech, you should:

A.   Sit down

B.   End the speech

C.   Focus on your anxiety problems

D.   None of these

30: Many great public speakers suffer from nerves.

A.   False

B.   True

31: Why are diction and enunciation important?

A.   For the clarity of your presentation.

B.   If your audience is older or hard of hearing.

C.   To attract attention to your presentation.

D.   To spit on the audience.

32: True or False? It is not okay to use offensive language even if you know your audience.

A.   False

B.   True

33: Stage fright diminishes with practice and experience.

A.   False

B.   True

34: True or False? Filler words should be withheld from presentations, including "Umm", "Like" or "Uh"

A.   True

B.   False

35: How can stage fright be a good thing?

A.   It causes you to sweat, keeping you cool.

B.   It increases stimulation and is necessary to get you in the 'zone.'

C.   If you get very nervous, it is a good indicator that public speaking is not for you.

D.   Nerves make you speak faster, so you can communicate more information.

36: Which part of your speech should be the strongest?

A.   End

B.   Beginning and end

C.   Middle

37: What is one thing you want your audience to be able to do after your speech?

A.   Remember what you look like

B.   Remember where you're from

C.   Sum up the take-away message

D.   Be able to recite most of your speech

38: True or False? Using visuals is a distraction for the audience.

A.   False

B.   True

39: You should have a 'target' audience member in mind when writing and performing your speech.

A.   True

B.   False

40: True or False? You should focus eye contact on one person.

A.   False

B.   True

41: How should you prepare the day before a public speaking engagement?

A.   Write the whole speech, sleep or no. It'll be fresher in your mind.

B.   Laze around all day, eat junk food, and relax.

C.   Eat well, exercise, and get a good night's sleep.

D.   Engage in strenous activity and really tire yourself out for the night.

42: What should you do if you can't answer a question?

A.   It's better to make up an answer than not answer

B.   Try to break it down and subtly shift the topic of the question to something you can answer

C.   Say ' That's a good question!', telling them that you honestly don't know the answer and you will try get back to them.

D.   Pretend you didn't hear the question and move on.

43: Which of these is the best option to calm down during your speech?

A.   Taking a sip of water

B.   Taking a deep breath

C.   Walking around a bit

D.   All of these

44: Which of these are a useful method for becoming a better and more credible public speaker?

A.   Fitting more jokes into your presentation

B.   Make sure to drink plenty of coffee so you are alert for your presentation

C.   Gathering and analyzing information about your audience

D.   Speaking more quickly to get your point across quickly

45: What is the best way to improve your public speaking?

A.   Watch great speakers and take note.

B.   Rehearse things repeatedly while going to sleep.

C.   Drink caffeine or take a Xanax before you speak.

D.   Practice - at home, in the mirror, with friends, in front of an audience.

46: True or False? You should repeat questions when asked by someone in the audience so that everyone knows what question you are answering.

A.   True

B.   False

47: What is the best way to feel confident in public speaking?

A.   Knowing your surroundings

B.   Talking really fast

C.   Not looking up at the audience and focusing on your index cards or the screen

D.   Drinking alcohol beforehand

48: How much preparation time should a speech take?

A.   Couple of hours

B.   Until you feel absolutely confident

C.   1 day

D.   1 week

49: What should you do if you are momentarily overwhelmed, for example, by coughing or emotion?

A.   Just leave - it's too much to take.

B.   Pause, breath, and take a drink. Then continue.

C.   Leave the stage, take a breather, and come right back.

D.   Just push through - it's almost over.

50: Faster is better.

A.   True

B.   False

51: Stage fright is a normal part of public speaking.

A.   False

B.   True

52: When is it acceptable to chew whilst public speaking?

A.   Whenever you like, it's your speech

B.   Only if you haven't eaten that day

C.   Depends on the audience

D.   Never

53: How should your voice sound when speaking publicly?

A.   Confident and Fast

B.   Clear and confident

C.   Soft and clear

D.   Clear and fast

54: Your appearance matters when you are speaking publicly.

A.   True

B.   False

55: If you are nervous, you should do what?

A.   Not continue with the speech

B.   Take a deep breath

C.   Look away from the audience

D.   Apologize to the audience

56: The audience is the enemy.

A.   True

B.   False

57: What makes you a better public speaker?

A.   It is a natural talent

B.   Experience

C.   Keeping your speech short and simple

D.   Memorizing your speech

58: What is an argument in which a speaker rejects another speaker's claim based on the speaker's character and not the claim itself?

A.   Straw man argument

B.   Ad populum fallacy

C.   Ad ignorantiam fallacy

D.   Ad hominem fallacy

59: You should always be ______ when speaking.

A.   honest

B.   serious

C.   exaggerating

D.   relaxed

60: When using visuals, you should:

A.   Make sure all the information is on the screen incase the audience has missed a word

B.   Read off the screen

C.   Stand on the side you write with

D.   Use your hands

61: What is the best way to recover from a slip-up?

A.   Repeat the phrase if necessary, and continue unfazed.

B.   Apologize, clarify the error, and continue unfazed.

C.   Make a joke - the audience can relate!

D.   Leave the podium; it's not worth continuing.

62: How should you approach the pacing of your speech?

A.   Take the important parts slowly, but pick up the pace for the rest.

B.   Go slow. You know this information cold, but it's your audience's first time.

C.   Faster is better... keep them on the edge of their seats!

D.   Talk at a normal speed, as in everyday professional coversation.

63: To have the best chance of your audience identifying with you and your message it is best to use mostly _____ person pronouns.

A.   Second

B.   First

C.   Third

64: Making a great presentation depends on many factors. Which factors are most important?

A.   Be well groomed and smile

B.   Have notes in hand, make eye contact, speak loudly

C.   All of these

D.   Know your subject, prepare, be professional, project confidence

65: Which of the following statements regarding the use of a personal story in a speech is/are TRUE?

A.   Telling a personal story helps the audience connect emotionally to the topic.

B.   Telling a personal story is a good way to illustrate a specific point, process, or truth.

C.   Telling a personal story ruins the credibility of the speaker.

D.   a and b 

66: Choose the option that best completes the following sentence.

The term " ____________" refers to the testimony of an ordinary person who has some first-hand knowledge, experience, or insight on a given topic.

A.   expert testimony

B.   prestige testimony

C.   peer testimony

D.   reluctant testimony

67: Choose the option that best completes the following sentence.

When performing a post-speech audience analysis, the speaker should take into consideration all of the following EXCEPT _____________.

A.   attitude responses

B.   nonverbal responses

C.   behavior responses

D.   survey responses

E.   verbal responses

68: Choose the option that best completes the following sentence.

A speaker delivering a speech from a manuscript should follow all of the following guidelines EXCEPT _____________.

A.   rehearse with the actual notes to become comfortable with using them

B.   number the note cards for ease of use

C.   spend less time practicing the conclusion so that it sounds spontaneous and fresh

D.   slide notes rather than turn them over to limit distracting movement

69: Choose the word or phrase that best completes the following sentence.

The term ______________ refers to the distractions that listeners often contend with, and may include lack of knowledge about the speaker's topic, headaches, and preoccupation with problems unrelated to the speech.

A.   external noise

B.   environmental response mode

C.   internal stimulus

D.   internal noise

70: Choose the word that best completes the following sentence.

A presentation on a five-step process for making a banana cream pie would be an example of a/an ______________ speech.

A.   informative

B.   demonstration

C.   impromptu

D.   persuasive 

71: Choose the word or phrase that best completes the following sentence.

In a public speaking situation, the communication cycle includes all of the following components except ______________ .

A.   feedback

B.   the listener

C.   the sender

D.   the environment

E.   the message

72: Choose the word or phrase that best completes the following sentence.

A presentation entitled "The Eating Habits of Screech Owls" would be an example of a/an ______________ speech.

A.   informative

B.   demonstration

C.   impromptu

D.   special occasion

73: Which of the following statements regarding the preparation and use of slides is/are TRUE?

A.   To reinforce the message, the speaker should read the slide word for word.

B.   Using standard clipart on a slide lends an air of familiarity and puts the audience at ease.

C.   Slides should be printed in all caps so that all audience members can read the information.

D.   When dealing with statistics, slides should contain exact percentages even if the speaker rounds them up or down.

E.   Slides should contain any and all the details the speaker leaves out of the actual speech.

F.   When designing slides, the speaker should maintain contrast between text and background.

G.   b and d

H.   c and f

74: Choose the option that best completes the following sentence.

Performing thorough research and using specific, relevant evidence from reliable sources is most important when ____________.

A.   the speaker is not recognized as an expert

B.   the target audience opposes the speaker's views

C.   the speaker is addressing an audience of experts on the speech topic

D.   the target audience is in accordance with the speaker's views

E.   a and b

F.   b and c

75: Choose the option that best completes the following sentence.

Presentational aids enhance a speaker's confidence in all of the following ways EXCEPT _____________.

A.   by enhancing the clarity and impact of the speaker's message

B.   by diverting the audience's attention

C.   by helping the speaker remember the speech

D.   by giving purpose to the speaker's movement

76: Choose the option that best completes the following sentence.

When performing a situational audience analysis, the first thing a speaker should consider is _____________.

A.   the values or attitudes of the audience

B.   the speaking occasion

C.   the demographics of the audience

D.   the time and place of the speech

77: Choose the option that best completes the following sentence.

The term "_____________" refers to an error in reasoning in which the speaker assumes that one event will establish a trend that will in turn lead to disastrous results.

A.   post hoc fallacy

B.   causal fallacy

C.   straw man fallacy

D.   slippery slope fallacy

78: Choose the option that best completes the following sentence.

Which of the following is NOT a strategy for capturing the audience's attention during the delivery of the introduction of a speech?

A.   Using humor

B.   Making a shocking statement

C.   Demonstrating goodwill

D.   Asking a question

79: Choose the word that best completes the following sentence.

A speech delivered with little or no prior preparation is called an ______________ speech.

A.   extemporaneous

B.   on-the-spot

C.   unrehearsed

D.   impromptu

80: Choose the phrase that best completes the following sentence.

All of the following are ways to focus the topic of a persuasive speech except ___________.

A.   focusing on a question of fact

B.   focusing on a question of value

C.   focusing on a question of public opinion

D.   focusing on a question of policy

81: Which of the following is a detailed outline that includes the title, specific purpose, central idea, introduction, main points, sub-points, transitions, conclusion, and bibliography of a speech?

A.   Preparation outline

B.   Speaking outline

C.   Working outline

D.   Key-word outline

E.   Chronological outline

82: Choose the word or phrase that best completes the following sentence.

During the communication process, adults tend to rely mostly on ____________ when attempting to determine the meaning of a statement.  

A.   written words

B.   both vocal and visual cues

C.   spoken words

D.   feedback

83: Which of the following statements regarding the use of presentational aids DURING a speech is NOT true?

A.   The speaker should direct his speech to the audience, not to the aid.

B.   The speaker should ensure that the aid is positioned properly.

C.   The speaker should not reveal the aid until he is ready to use it.

D.   The speaker should keep the aid in view until he is sure the audience understands the point.

84: Which of the following modes of delivery would be LEAST effective for an important speech in which word choice is crucial?

A.   Speaking extemporaneously

B.   Speaking from memory

C.   Speaking impromptu

D.   Speaking from a manuscript

85: Choose the word that best completes the following sentence.

A prepared and rehearsed speech that is not written out or memorized, but that is delivered from a brief set of notes, is called a/an ______________ speech.

A.   extemporaneous

B.   hypothetical

C.   abstract

D.   impromptu

86: Which of the following presentational aids would be most effective if the speaker wanted to show parts of an object?

A.   bar graph

B.   handout

C.   pie chart

D.   diagram

87: Choose the word that best completes the following sentence.

The goal of a/an ______________ speech is to present new information and understanding about a particular topic for the enlightenment of the audience.    

A.   demonstration

B.   persuasive

C.   informative

D.   inspirational

88: Choose the series of phrases that best completes the following passage.

_______________ is an important part of effective speech delivery. The characteristics of a speaker's voice that distinguish it from others is called __________, while the patterns of change in a speaker's pitch are called _____________.

A.   Timbre; pitch; articulation

B.   Vocal quality; timbre; inflection

C.   Rate; vocal quality; inflection

D.   Articulation; pitch; timbre

89: Which of the following methods of organization would be the best choice for an informative speech that describes a process as a series of steps?

A.   Problem-solution design

B.   Spatial design

C.   Categorical design  

D.   Sequential design

90: Choose the best option based on the following statement.

The most effective persuasive speeches are those in which the speaker takes an extreme view on the topic.

A.   True

B.   False

91: Choose the option that best completes the following sentence.

The term " _______________" refers to a brief phrase (such as "First," "The next step," and "Finally") that focuses the audience's attention on the speaker's key points or that indicates where the speaker is in the speech.

A.   summary statement

B.   signpost

C.   transition

D.   connective

92: Choose the word or phrase that best completes the following sentence.

The term ______________ refers to what a speaker wants audience members to remember long after they have forgotten everything else about the speech.

A.   residual message

B.   call to action

C.   internal stimulus

D.   psychological conclusion

93: Choose the option that best completes the following sentence.

Referencing other experts during a speech _____________.

A.   destroys the speaker's credibility as an expert on his topic

B.   enhances the speaker's credibility as an expert on his topic

C.   weakens the speaker's arguments, claims, or assertions

D.   a and c

94: Choose the option that best completes the following sentence.

Competence, character, and dynamism are all components of the speaker's ____________ and are crucial points to consider when crafting arguments and choosing supporting materials.

A.   expertise

B.   delivery

C.   credibility

D.   reasoning 

95: Choose the option that best completes the following sentence.

The term "_______________" refers to a type of inductive reasoning in which a speaker notes that two things are similar in some respects and comes to the conclusion that they must be similar in a further respect.

A.   reasoning from specific instances

B.   causal reasoning

C.   deductive reasoning

D.   analogical reasoning

96: Choose the option that best completes the following sentence.

The three types of credibility are ____________.

A.   initial, demonstrated, and culminating

B.   prior, intrinsic, and terminal

C.   initial, derived, and terminal

D.   prior, derived, and culminating

97: Choose the phrase that best completes the following sentence.

A _______________ is a brief speech outline that contains keywords, source citations, and delivery cues.

A.   Preparation outline

B.   Speaking outline

C.   Working outline

D.   Key-word outline

98: Which of the following presentational aids would be most effective if the speaker wanted to show changes among variables over time?

A.   bar graph

B.   circle graph

C.   line graph

D.   pie graph

99: Choose the option that best completes the following sentence.

All of the following techniques are effective ways for a speaker to bring a speech to a satisfying psychological conclusion EXCEPT ____________.

A.   maintaining eye contact with the audience

B.   slowing the rate of delivery

C.   reading from notes before delivering the final statement

D.   pausing briefly after delivering the final statement

100: Choose the series of words that best completes the following sentence.

The term ______________ refers to the ____________ experiences, education, knowledge, values, goals, and attitudes.

A.   identification; listener's

B.   demographics; speaker's

C.   frame of reference; speaker's

D.   nonverbal communication; listener's